this file lists all supported 2Lame switches for BeSweet v1.4. beware : switches are case-sensitive. Usage : BeSweet -core(..) -ota(..) -azid(..) -shibatch(..) -boost(..) -lame(..) -mp2enc(..) -ogg(..) -split( .. ) -plugin( .. ) -ac3enc(..) Dg. -b --- Default: 128 This sets the bitrate of MP2 output. -m --- Default: Joint Stereo This sets the output channel modes : o s Stereo o d Dual Channel o j Intensity Stereo -e --- Default: not set This adds error protection to the MP2 output. -v QUALITY ---------- Default: not set This generates a VBR (Variable Bitrate) MP2. Quality value can vary from 0 to 9.