
Tip: If a term is not explained here, try searching for it in Opera's knowledge database.

Term Explanation
Accessibility features Functions (e.g. zoom and keyboard shortcuts) that make software easier to use
Address bar The bar where you enter Web addresses (URLs)
Bookmark Shortcut (stored in the Bookmark panel) that takes you to a Web page
Browser Computer software used to visit Web sites
Certificate Used as an "ID card" between you and a secure Web service
Clipboard Temporary storage place for text, images, or other information you copy and paste
Cookie Small file saved on your computer by a Web site in order to remember you
DES Strong method of data encryption
Desktop The area behind all your applications on your computer screen
Download To transfer a file from a remote computer to your computer
Double-click To rapidly click your mouse button twice
Drag and drop Moving things from one place to another using the mouse
Frames Small Web documents that together build a full Web page
History Panel containing backlog of Web pages you have visited
IRC Internet Relay Chat protocol and universe of people chatting
Java Programming language developed by Sun Microsystems
JavaScript Non-standardized programming language used to make Web pages more alive
Messages Collective term for e-mail messages and news articles
MIME Method used by servers to identify files it sends to your computer
National domain Domains such as .no for Norway and .jp for Japan
Panels The area on the left with the Bookmarks, Mail, and Contacts icons
Personal bar Toolbar with quickly accessible links and search engines
Pop-up A new window which "pops up" on your screen (usually log-in or advertisement)
Preferences Options you can set in Opera
Protocol A set of rules that define how computers communicate
Proxy server A computer that translates information between your computer and a Web server
Right-click To click the right button on your mouse
RSS Really Simple Syndication, protocol for distributing news messages from the Web
Server A computer that can send Web pages, e-mail, news, etc. to your computer
Service provider (ISP) The organization that hosts your Internet services
Session Saved representation of pages and application windows
Skin Graphics that change or liven up the user interface
Source Document that describes the content of a Web page
SSL Security Socket Layer (security protocol used on the Internet)
Style sheet (CSS) A file that describes layout, fonts, and colors on a Web page
Top-level domain Domains such as .org, .net, and .com
TLS Transport Layer Security (security protocol used on the Internet)
Upload To transfer a file from your computer to a remote computer
User interface Menus, dialogs, buttons, and input fields used to interact with software
View Folder-like access point to a group of messages that have something in common
Wand Opera's password manager for automatic log-in to Web sites