Using the Keyboard

You can browse a lot faster using the keyboard, so be sure to read this page. Some operations have multiple shortcuts; use those you find most convenient.

Tip: Pressing Alt Gr is the same as pressing Ctrl + Alt.

Standard keys


One line up
One line down
One character to the right
One character to the left
One screen-full up
  • Page Up
  • Shift + Space
One screen-full down
  • Page Down
  • Space
One screen-full to the left Ctrl + Page Up
One screen-full to the right Ctrl + Page Down
Go to top Home
Go to bottom End


Undo recent changes Ctrl + Z
Redo recent changes Ctrl + Y
Copy selection to clipboard
  • Ctrl + C
  • Ctrl + Insert
Move selection to clipboard
  • Ctrl + X
  • Shift + Delete
Paste from clipboard
  • Ctrl + V
  • Shift + Insert
Copy marked text to Notes panel in Hotlist Ctrl + Shift + C
Copy text in clipboard to Notes panel in Hotlist Ctrl + Shift + V
Clear all Ctrl + U
Select all Ctrl + A
Delete selection (or character right of cursor) Delete
Delete selection (or character left of cursor) Backspace


Find text Ctrl + F
Find next instance of text F3
Find previous instance of text Shift + F3


Cycle focus within context Tab and Shift + Tab
Activate Enter
Edit item properties Alt + Enter
Exit context or cancel Esc
Display context (right-click) menu Ctrl + M

System keys

Open file Ctrl + O
Save copy of page Ctrl + S
Preview page as if printed P
Print page Ctrl + P
Close all pages and exit Opera Ctrl + Q

Navigation keys


Go to your home page
  • Ctrl + Space
  • Alt + Home
Enter a Web address F2
Paste and go in current or new page Ctrl + D
Paste and go in background page Ctrl + Shift + D
Enter nickname for fast bookmark access Shift + F2
Go to parent directory Ctrl + Backspace


Go to next page in history
  • X
  • Ctrl + Right
  • Alt + Right
Go to previous page in history
  • Z
  • Ctrl + Left
  • Alt + Left
  • Backspace
Rewind Shift + Z
Fast Forward
  • Space
  • Shift + X
  • X
  • Shift + Backspace
Show entire forward history Alt + X
Show entire backward history Alt + Z


Reload (get latest version of) page
  • Ctrl + R
  • F5
Reload selected frame
  • Alt + F5
  • Ctrl + Shift + R
Reload all open pages
  • Ctrl + F5
  • Ctrl + Alt + R
Stop page loading Esc
Identify browser as Opera Ctrl + Alt + O
Identify browser as Internet Explorer Ctrl + Alt + I


Save page address as new bookmark Ctrl + T


Load and turn on all images Shift + G
Toggle loading and display of images G
Toggle between "Author mode" and "User mode" Ctrl + G
Use entire screen for viewing page F11
Pretend to be small-screen device Shift + F11


Tip: Enable the numeric keypad on your keyboard by pressing Num Lock.

Zoom in 10%
  • Numeric +
  • 0
Zoom out 10%
  • Numeric -
  • 9
Zoom in 100%
  • Ctrl + Numeric +
  • 8
Zoom out 100%
  • Ctrl + Numeric -
  • 7
Restore zoom to 100%
  • Numeric *
  • 6

Spatial navigation (page elements)

Navigate between links and form elements Shift + ← ↑ → ↓
Cycle through headers in page S and W
Cycle through elements in page D and E
Cycle through frames in page 3 and Shift + 3


Next element in a form Tab
Previous element in a form Shift + Tab
Select form element
  • Space
  • Enter
Left-adjust text in form Ctrl + L
Right-adjust text in form Ctrl + R


Select next link in page
  • A
  • Ctrl + Down
Select previous link in page
  • Q
  • Ctrl + Up
Follow selected link
  • Enter
  • Space
Open selected link in new page
  • Shift + Enter
  • Shift + Space
Open selected link in the background
  • Ctrl + Shift + Enter
  • Ctrl + Shift + Space
Save selected link as new bookmark Ctrl + Shift + T
Copy selected link address Ctrl + Alt + C
Save link target (e.g. document or image) Ctrl + Shift + S
Display context menu for selected link (right-clicking link) Ctrl + L

Site navigation

Home Ctrl + Shift + Space
Search Ctrl + Shift + F
Previous Ctrl + Shift + ←
Next Ctrl + Shift + →
Up Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Access keys

Toggle HTML access keys Shift + Esc
Enter HTML access keys A-Z


View page source Ctrl + F3
View source of active frame Alt + F3
Validate source of selected frame Ctrl + Alt + V
Validate source of selected frame in the background Ctrl + Alt + Shift + V

Window keys


Browse in new page Ctrl + N
Browse in duplicate of active page Ctrl + Shift + N
Close active page
  • Ctrl + W
  • Ctrl + F4
Close all open pages Ctrl + Shift + W
Close all open pages except active Ctrl + Alt + W
Undo closing page Ctrl + Alt + Z

Switching between pages

Cycle to next page
  • 2
  • Ctrl + Tab
  • Alt + Page Down
  • Ctrl + F6
Cycle to previous page
  • 1
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab
  • Alt + Page Up
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6

Arranging pages

Cascade open pages top-left to bottom-right Shift + F5
Tile open pages left to right Shift + F6
Tile open pages top to bottom F6

Managing pages

Minimize active page 4
Switch between restored and maximized page 5
Restore all pages Ctrl + Shift + F3
Minimize all pages Ctrl + Shift + F4
Maximize all pages Ctrl + Shift + F5

Application windows

Browse in new application window Ctrl + Alt + N
Close application window Alt + F4


Toggle scroll bars Ctrl + F7
Toggle Address bar Ctrl + F8

Hotlist keys


Toggle Hotlist F4
Switch between docked and floating Hotlist Shift + F4
Activate Hotlist for keyboard navigation F7


Open Bookmarks panel Ctrl + 1
Open Mail panel Ctrl + 2
Open Contacts panel Ctrl + 3
Open History panel Ctrl + 4
Open Transfers panel Ctrl + 5
Open Links panel Ctrl + 6
Open Windows panel Ctrl + 7
Open Info panel Ctrl + 8
Open Notes panel Ctrl + 9


Open bookmark Enter
Open bookmark in new page Shift + Enter
Open bookmark in background page Ctrl + Shift + Enter


Show e-mails associated with contact Enter
Compose e-mail to contact Shift + Enter


Execute transferred file Enter

Activation keys


Set your preferences Alt + P
Quickly set most popular preferences F12


Show Bookmarks management dialog Ctrl + Alt + B
Show Transfers in separate window Ctrl + Alt + T
Open Links dialog for quick access to links in page Ctrl + J
List visited sites (history) Ctrl + Alt + H

Setting focus

Set focus to page (to enable keyboard navigation) F9
Set focus to address field F8
Set focus to search field Shift + F8
Set focus to Personal bar Shift + F7
Restore original address in address field and set focus to page Esc

M2 keys

Checking, composing, and sending e-mail

Check e-mail Ctrl + K
Write new e-mail Ctrl + E
Attach files to e-mail Ctrl + Shift + A
Save e-mail draft (continue later) Ctrl + S
Upload queued e-mail to mail server Ctrl + Shift + K
Send composed e-mail Ctrl + Shift + S


Go to next e-mail J
Go to previous e-mail U
Go to next unread e-mail
  • H
  • Shift + J
Go to previous unread e-mail
  • Y
  • Shift + U
One screen-full up Shift+Space
One screen-full down Space
Scroll up in mail body (even when focus in mail list) Alt + Up
Scroll down in mail body (even when focus in mail list) Alt + Down


Mark selected e-mail as read K
Mark selected e-mail as read, and go to next unread e-mail G
Mark selected e-mail as read, and go to previous unread e-mail T
Mark selected e-mail as unread Shift + K
Mark all e-mail in active folder as read Ctrl + Shift + A


Reply to e-mail
  • R
  • Enter
Reply to all recipients of e-mail, including sender Shift + R
Forward e-mail F
Redirect e-mail D
Continue editing e-mail (Drafts, Outbox, and Sent folders) Enter


Recognize sender of e-mail as new contact A
Label e-mail (e.g. important or funny) L, 1-7
View all e-mail associated with sender E
Copy raw e-mail data to clipboard C

Help keys

Open Opera's help window F1
Display keyboard help Ctrl + B
Search while viewing help page Ctrl + F

More information

Learn more about using the keyboard