MYIE2 Online Help
Quick search

Quick search allows you to directly use the keywords to perform a quick search in the address bar without having to access the search engine webpage.

Setup quick search

Goto menu "Option> SetupCenter" to open "quick search" dialog box where you may easily increase, modify or delete the setting.

The name abbreviation refers to individual search engine. It is noted that in order to mutually distinguish all these search engines, the same names of the abbreviations must be avoided. An abbreviation of a search engine represented with a * means it is a default search engine.

The search engine syntax is URL + %s where %s refers to replaceable characters.
For example: http://www.Google.Com/search?Q=%s

Press "default"button to alter or confirm the default search engine. For example, Google marked with '*' is set as the default search engine here.

Quick search

1. The syntax of quick search in the address bar is: Search engine name keywords

(Use Baidu search engine here: Baidu | Http://www1.Baidu.Com/baidu?Word=%s)

2. The syntax of the default quick search in the address bar is: keywords

(The default quick search engine here is: * | Http://www.Google.Com/search?Q=%s)

The keywords are any combinations of characters allowed by search engines