MYIE2 Online Help
Quick groups

A quick group is a collection of URLs in which MYIE2 users are able to open certain webpages at one go. The format of MYIE2 quick groups is compatible with Netcaptor. You may simply copy Netcaptor's group file (.cpg) to MYIE2 quick groups directory to make it work.

How to setup quick groups

The common way to set up quick groups is to go to Setup Center. The groups could be added, removed or modified there. There are two issues that should be considered.

1. You could set up a 'Start up group' by tick the check box before the quick group name. After you have set up a 'Start up group', you could set MYIE2 start up mode, in'MYIE2 Options->When Starting', to open 'Start up group'. After that, once MYIE2 starts, it will automaticially open all the URLs in that group.

2. You could make the website in a group have a sticky tab name by ticking the check box before the website name.

Add all current pages to a group.

This is a easy way to make a quick group. By selecting menu 'Groups-->Save Windows As Group', all current opened web pages will be added to one quick group. Then you will be prompted to give a name of the group.

Add a single page to an existing quick group

Right click on the label and select 'Send to -->Group' to add that webpage to an existing quick group.