MYIE2 Online Help
Mouse gesture
The mouse gesture control is a major feature of MYIE2. What is a mouse gesture control? In short, keep holding on the right click of the mouse and move around on the web pages. In this way, the mouse manipulates MYIE2 with ease to forward, backward, switch windows, close windows , refresh windows , etc.

MYIE2 has supported for the following mouse gestures:

Movement Directions Function
Left Backward
Right Forward
Up + Down Refresh
Up + Right Switch to the next window
Up + Left Switch to the previous window
Right + Left + Right
/ Down + Right
Close a window
Down + Left Close all windows except current
Down Open a new window

The recommended length of the movement path is around 1-3 centimeters. Please refer to the picture below.

Hint: If you have made wrong mouse gesture control in the course, you had better keep holding the mouse without releasing it and make another random movement instead to let MYIE2 stop tracking its command.