MYIE2 Online Help
How can I use MultiProxy under MYIE2?

MultiProxy , as a proxy software, is easy to use. It realizes the proxy verification and the agent auto distribution. You have to set an available proxy under MultiProxy and then to have other proxy-based software to point to MultiProxy. Here are the steps how to have MYIE2 worked with MultiProxy:

1. First, add proxy servers under "set up proxy servers"


2. Start MultiProxy

After the installation of MultiProxy, you may set it as a startup file or go to the MYIE2's external utilities to set it to work together with MYIE2. In this way, they both start or shut simultaneously.


3. The proxy server address with quicker speed will be guided to the MultiProxy.

Whenever MultiProxy starts, it will verify the validity of the proxies and sort them according to their transmission speed.


4. Activate,088 proxy servers under MYIE2

On the menu item "Options > Proxy ", select Proxy servers, or press "proxy servers" button on the tool bar and then select Proxy servers. Thus, Multiproxy will help you automatically distribute proxies under MYIE2.