MYIE2 Online Help
How can I make MSN Messager call MYIE2?

In ordinary circumstances, whether Internet Explorer is used as the default browser , clicking on the link in MSN Messager will activate Internet Explorer. How can we initiate MYIE2 within MSN Messager ? In short, you may implement it by altering the registry:

  • First, search the following item in the registry:
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} \LocalServer32
  • Then, set the content of (default) characters string key value to be 'null' .

But it should bring to your attention that such operation can have a side effect, which will make the Windows Update from start menu fail.

Certainly, you may alternatively visit to perform a system upgrade. It may also arise other Microsoft procedure problems. Therefore , it is not recommended to PC end-users.

Before the operation, you had better backup this key . After that, you can make a double-click to switch between the applications.