Using Arachne profiles and scripts
ACF - Arachne Configuration Files
ACF files are simply copies of ARACHNE.CFG file. Once you configure
and fine-tune Arachne for some Internet provider, you can create two
copies of ARACHNE.CFG files, each containing different user name,
e-mail address, POP3 account, signature, mail directory, hotlist, etc.
Or you can use two profiles for two different providers, but both
with the same personal information.
ACF files are maintained using special Profile manager,
accessible for example from Desktop | Options page or from PPP dialer screen.
ASF - Arachne Script Files
ASF scripts are just lists of URLs to visit, nothing more.
You can create scripts using any text editor...
For example:
Special prefix "reload:" tells Arachne to always reload specified URL;
without this prefix, Arachne would use cached copy of object (if available).
Launching of MP3 file playback is of course only example: to do that,
you have to install some plug-in capable of playing MP3 files (eg.
QuickView or XTC-player), and of course, the MP3 file included in the
script must exist.
To start ASF script, open it in Arachne: *.asf.
Typical Arachne screen from which you can launch scripts is
PPP dialer screen.
Arachne currently doesn't offer any tool for creating ASF scripts (with
exception of "Request all links" and "Audio playlist" features - but
they doesn't produce user-editable scripts).
You are expected to use some external ASCII text editor. If necessary, you
can use QuicKpad to write
script file and save it to file with .ASF extension using Ctrl+W hotkey.
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