Congratulations, you've made a Viewlet!
To watch the Viewlet you've just created, click on the "Title of the Viewlet" link below.

Title of the Viewlet:
Basic Texturing
Description of the Viewlet:
Learn how to add a texture to an existing material in Blender.
What happens now?
To play your Viewlet from an existing Web page, it needs to be uploaded to (i.e. hosted on) a server. You can either have it hosted on Qarbon's dedicated server, ViewletFarm, or host it on your own servers. You'll find more information about hosting Viewlets and posting them on your site below.
Technical Tips & Tricks
Do you have any technical questions about Viewlets or ViewletBuilder?
Want some Tips & Tricks to make your Viewlets fly?
Take a look at our selection of button designs for launching Viewlets.
Host your Viewlets on Qarbon's ViewletFarm servers
In order to ensure that your Viewlets play reliably, Qarbon is putting the ViewletFarm, its dedicated servers, at your disposal. This service is absolutely free and takes only a few minutes. We also show you how to add a link from your Web pages to our servers. It's that simple! Visit the ViewletFarm to find out more.
Host your Viewlets on your own server

Step 1
You can upload the Viewlet files to your Web server directly from inside ViewletBuilder. You do this, by clicking on "Viewlet" in the menu bar of ViewletBuilder (make sure the Viewlet project that you would like to upload is open). Then you select "Upload" and click on the "My Web site" tab. Fill in your server information and click on "Upload".

Step 2
After you've uploaded your Viewlet to your server, you can post them on a Web page. Start by copying the following code and paste it between the <head> and </head> tags of your page:

<script language="javaScript">
function isViewletCompliant()
     version=Math.round(parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) * 1000);
     if (navigator.appName.substring(0,9) == "Microsoft")
     if (navigator.appName.substring(0,8) == "Netscape")
         if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")> 0) && (version<5000))
         else if (version<4060)
     if (answer==false && plugins!=null)
              if((plugins[i].name.indexOf("Java Plug-in")>=0) && (plugins[i].name.indexOf("1.0")<0))
     return answer;

function openViewlet(htmlFile,htmlWidth,htmlHeight)
     str = 'resizable=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,';
     str = str + 'scrollbars=0,status=0,location=0,directory=0,width=350,height=200';

Step 3
And finally, copy/paste ONE of the following two links:

If the Viewlet is in the same directory as the Web page, copy this link:
<a href="javascript:openViewlet('basictextures_viewlet.html',699,570);">Basic Texturing</a>


If the Viewlet is in a different directory than the Web page, copy this link:
<a href="javascript:openViewlet('path_to_viewlet\basictextures_viewlet.html',699,570);">Basic Texturing</a>
and replace 'path_to_viewlet' by the relative path from the Web page to the Viewlet.