Supported formats

Subtitle formats

Format Load Save Type Styles
MicroDVD Yes Yes Frame Yes
SubRip Yes Yes Time Yes
SimpleTime Yes Yes Time No
SubStation Alpha v4 Yes Yes Time Yes


Movie description formats

Format Load Save
MicroDVD - MVD Yes Yes

MVD support is limited. SP can only read the movie title and file and one subtitle file and language tag. If there are other sections in MVD, these are discarded. If there are more than one subtitles, only one of them are loaded and the language tag may be incorrect.

Multimedia formats

Theoretically all formats that are supported by DirectShow (for which you have the filters installed). You can load AVI, OGG, MPEG, ASF or others, but only the AVI format (frame based) is fully tested. The other formats are experimental, so be aware. You can also load sound only files (e.g. mp3) and subtitles (time based, since the sound files are only time-based) to display the words of a song while it is playing. The support of sound only files is also experimental.