The New World Dialog provides you with the ability to create a new map(game) with settings affecting what the map will be produced as, from map size to industry density.
Below is a list of all available options, with a short description of it's influence on the newly created map.
Map Number - Determines the 'lay of the land', including city, water and land
positions. A preview is shown for each map(updated with other settings changes).
The default map number is 33.
Map Size - How many squares the map will be, ranging from 128*128 to 640*640 sqaures. The default setting is 256.
Important The larger the map the more memory required, please make sure you have an appropiate amount of memory available
to play a game of the required map size.
Industry Density - Density of industries placed
on the map. The lower the density the harder the game will become,
as there will be fewer choices of industries to transport between.
The default setting is 125.
No. of cities - Determines how many cities are placed on the map.
The available settings are 2 cities to 64. The default is 16 cities.
Traffic density - Density of private cars in cities. The default is 8.
Water level - How high(squares) the level of water will be. The lower the
level the more land will appear, and vice-versa. The default setting is 4.
Mountain height - Determine the height of the highest mountain
on the map. The default setting is 160. The lower the number the less little hills
and ditches. This ranges from 0 to 160. The default setting is 160.
Mountain Roughness - The 'roughness' of mountains, the lower the smoother
the transition between different levels.
Random map - Selects a random map number(not effecting other settings).
Show pedestrians - Whether or not to show pedestrains around cities.
Can be changed during game via. the display options dialog.
Day and Night Mode - Whether to simulate night and day cycles. You can change this
setting during the game via the display options dialog.
Load - Load a previously saved game(see load dialog for more information)
Start game Creates a new map(game) with settings applied to dialog.
The larger the map the longer this process takes.
Quit - Shuts down Simutrans, no questions asked.