Keyboard configuration:

,/. - Undocumented feature
! - Toggle display of name signs
" - Toggle display of buildings and trees
# - Toggle display of map grid
a - Inspection tool
b - Rail block repair tool
c - Take screenshot (camera)
d - Lower land (down)
f - Open finance window
g - Undocumented feature
k - Open player list
l - Undocumented feature
m - Open map window
p - Pause game
r - Bulldozer tool
s - Build road
t - Build railroad track
u - Raise land (up)
w - Undocumented feature
+/- - Lighten/darken display
C - City building tool
G - Goods statistics
L/S - Load/save game
P - Undocumented feature
Q, X - Quit/Exit game
V - Open vehicle list
9 - Scroll map northeast
1 - Scroll map southwest
7 - Scroll map northwest
3 - Scroll map southeast
6 - Scroll map east
2 - Scroll map south
8 - Scroll map north
4 - Scroll map west
Delete, Backspace - Close all windows <, >, Page-Up, Page-Down: Zoom in/out