******************texty-menu************** < 1> M < 2> Order < 3> E-mail < 4> Country < 5> Date sent < 6> Note < 7> Date: previous 1 < 8> Date: previous 2 < 9> Date: previous 3 < 10> Data-item < 11> Index < 12> Date < 13> Day < 14> Tasks - Activity - Notes < 15> field ... < 16> field ... < 17> field ... < 18> field ... < 19> field ... < 20> field ... < 21> field ... < 22> field ... < 23> field ... < 24> field ... number < 25> field ... number < 26> field ... number < 27> field ... number < 28> field ... number < 29> field ... number < 30> field ... number < 31> field ... < 32> field ... date < 33> field ... < 34> field ... number < 35> field ... < 36> field ... Memo-unlimited < 37> field -fills in date of last contact/mail ... < 38> field -do not change meaning ... < 39> field -do not change meaning ... number < 40> Font size to mark form items <6..8> < 41> Incidence rate < 42> Data < 43> Diary < 44> Internet < 45> Total < 46> No. of e-mail contacts < 47> Unused e-mail addresses < 48> active e-mail addresses < 49> E-mails to send < 50> E-mails with specific dates < 51> Main menu < 52> Exit < 53> Redraw screen, licence < 54> deadlines and tasks < 55> Form - Data / Info < 56> No. of current items in databases < 57> No. of items in databases < 58> All data by : < 59> Select < 60> No. of selected items < 61> No. of current items in databases selection < 62> Menu < 63> Select - current tasks < 64> Select case in/sensitive < 65> Select by: < 66> Add to previous selection < 67> Individual selection < 68> Add all to selection < 69> Menu - sort, print < 70> Sorted by item < 71> Sort by item : < 72> Sort < 73> Print format setting < 74> Print < 75> Printer not ready - ON LINE ?! < 76> Active print format < 77> Print < 78> Print to file < 79> Printer < 80> No. of addresses at server < 81> No. of e-mail addresses at major servers at last update < 82> Internet provider's server >> not a company server < 83> Analyse no. of company addresses at servers ? < 84> Interlinking /analogy/ < 85> Pause < 86> Press any key to continue ... < 87> Please wait, data processing in progress ! < 88> This is a time-consuming function ! < 89> Cut < 90> Copy < 91> Copy < 92> Ignore strings < 93> Change mask size < 94> Similar contact < 95> Similar position ? < 96> Error - wrong address < 97> Sorry, wrong command ! < 98> Error < 99> Search for of identical chars : < 100> More than 2 chars, 5 recommended < 101> items deleted < 102> Font < 103> Table to view < 104> Table to edit < 105> Row < 106> Standard table colours < 107> Cursor colour < 108> Cursor shade < 109> Text colour < 110> Background colour < 111> Background shade < 112> Black < 113> Blue < 114> Green < 115> Cyan - grey-blue < 116> Red - brown < 117> Violet < 118> Yellow - khaki < 119> White - grey < 120> Light shade < 121> Medium shade < 122> Dark shade < 123> Minimum resolution < 124> 800x600 < 125> 1024x768 < 126> Individual settings < 127> Field names in data table < 128> Addresses blocked in Internet directory < 129> Fill in main undefined data < 130> Other < 131> Export < 132> Import < 133> Daily backup < 134> Calendar < 135> Calculator < 136> Edit < 137> New item < 138> Item < 139> Data update < 140> Enter current date/delete M(mail)-index < 141> E-mails earlier than - mark to send /M>0 < 142> Edit current e-mail /M>0 < 143> Addresses to send - format to file < 144> Settings < 145> Order < 146> Previous item < 147> Following item < 148> First item < 149> Last item < 150> Search for item < 151> Edit item < 152> New item / Save < 153> Delete item < 154> Close form < 155> New setup will show when the program is restarted ! < 156> Restart program < 157> New file < 158> Save as ... < 159> Results saved in <.\info\total.txt> ! < 160> View data < 161> Exit < 162> Yes < 163> Erase marked < 164> Data management < 165> Edit < 166> Access to directory denied < 167> String < 168> File < 169> Found < 170> items < 171> Required data not found ! < 172> Wrong password ! < 173> Password to enter program < 174> Password to access info < 175> Password - necessary to restrict access < 176> Password - administration DIM < 177> access right < 178> old access right < 179> Old password - administration DIM < 180> Old password - program entry < 181> Change password - program entry < 182> Change password - administration DIM < 183> Password < 184> confirm < 185> Ltd. < 186> fill in other data in next window < 187> Fill in other data to current e-mail address : < 188> Mark items < 189> no. of items < 190> contacted < 191> Sort e-mail addresses by country < 192> Fill in national attributes of internet addresses? < 193> enter into note < 194> Max four last mails registered ! < 195> No. of sent registered mails : < 196> No. of used current addresses : < 197> No. of unused current addresses : < 198> Statistics analysis : < 199> Info saved in <.\info\status.txt> ! < 200> preset values < 201> Choose M-index to enter current date or delete M-index < 202> M-indexed mail sent ? < 203> M-index to enter current date : < 204> M-index to enter current date or delete - found < 205> Delete M-index only ? < 206> Edit strings to block addresses : < 207> No. of items before to update into mail : < 208> Delete all countries in selection >> then undelete individually < 209> Delete countries individually < 210> < 211> Blocked / items marked to delete will not be sent : < 212> Choose M-index < 213> Prepare addresses to send < 214> M-index to prepare to send : < 215> Mail abroad : < 216> Local mail : < 217> Edit addresses to send < 218> Max no. of adresses on line <=30 : < 219> Addresses to send /To: Cc: Bcc:/ < 220> No. of fields in mail /1-3/: < 221> Ready for current mail : < 222> Edit by M-index < 223> Increase M-index to form next batches of mail? < 224> Reorganize batch for mail < 225> Same company - send anyway ? < 226> For graphic background copy BMP,JPG,GIF files to <.\bmp> subdirectory! < 227> Information system * Universal database * Diary < 228> This warning will show periodically until task is confirmed or moved ! < 229> Freeware-version < 230> Do not fill in undefined main data to item < 231> Data to delete >> Alt+A.. cancel marking of all items < 232> Export data / not delete in database < 233> Delete data exported from database < 234> Delete all addresses >> then undelete individually < 235> Delete addresses individually < 236> Separator - export to TXT < 237> Character - separator: < 238> single character < 239> Mark / delete all ..Alt+D / all back..Alt+A < 240> Confirm adding data < 241> Overwrite all items >> < 242> Overwrite undefined items >> < 243> String to overwrite of index import.dat : < 244> Keep indexes in import : < 245> correction < 246> enter again < 247> Index < 248> Index meaning, description < 249> Fill in missing indexes < 250> Delete unused indexes < 251> Edit index meaning < 252> Index meaning missing < 253> Current address indexes < 254> Index of addresses for selection < 255> Indexes to send < 256> Select indexes for export < 257> Select < 258> Select all < 259> You must choose existing file in corresponding directory ! < 260> E-mail addresses for selection < 261> select by deleting < 262> New selection < 263> to select < 264> all < 265> Edit order in selection : < 266> Date < 267> From date : < 268> Save contact date < 269> Confirm overwriting date < 270> Do not save contact date ! < 271> Calculations < 272> Calculations for current data selection : < 273> Arithmetic average < 274> Sum < 275> No. of current items at calculation < 276> Encryption < 277> Select code type: Private code / General code < 278> Private code - undecodable in any other licensed installation < 279> Private code - here disabled >> functions in MB version only ! < 280> General code - decodable with password in any installation < 281> Edit text for coding /max 999 999 chars.: < 282> Inserted: < 283> Paste < 284> Check changes : < 285> Check allocation < 286> Check repetition of addresses in database < 287> Check no. of addresses in one company ? < 288> Move older uncompleted tasks ? < 289> Uncompleted tasks < 290> New deadline for uncompleted tasks < 291> Current tasks < 292> Select task < 293> Delete all tasks >> then undelete individually < 294> Delete tasks individually < 295> Cancel < 296> Do not delete < 297> 0..back, do not send anything < 298> Help < 299> Select from strings found < 300> Language < 301> Czech < 302> Czech keyboard < 303> other keyboard < 304> German < 305> English < 306> Search can be repeated in all data !! < 307> Change data codepage < 308> old < 309> Macro - Function keys < 310> Text to attach < 311> before date < 312> after date < 313> Account < 314> Attachment < 315> Currency < 316> Rate < 317> Spanish < 318> File DIM-MEM.TXT insert to < 319> Undo < 320> min no. of actions < 321> Text editor < 322> highlight to select < 323> no. of days < 324> no. of weeks < 325> save < 326> main, local currency < 327> Code < 328> number < 329> size < 330> min. < 331> Installation < 332> test < 333> Special field < 334> Directory < 335> Send orders to < 336> Replace < 337> nothing < 338> Open < 339> Table Designer < 340> Table < 341> Database < 342> Only extension < 343> as file < 344> Until date : < 345> field ... number 13.2 < 346> field ... number 7.2 < 347> field ... number 10.1 < 348> field ... number 11.2 < 349> field ... number 15.2 < 350> field ... number 10.2 < 351> field ... number 12.2 < 352> type < 353> year < 354> field ... number 13.2 < 355> field ... number 9.0 < 356> field ... number 12.2 < 357> field ... number 12.2 < 358> field ... number 6.1 < 359> field ... number 8.2 < 360> Check < 361> Post office < 362> Add from < 363> system < 364> max. < 365> Close < 366> Copy to < 367> Macro < 368> Operation < 369> Results < 370> French < 371> Command < 372> Slovakian < 373> Hungarian < 374> Italian < 375> Program < 376> before telephone number < 377> after the number < 378> mobile phone < 379> SMS < 380> text < 381> No. of chars < 382> Phone < 383> Warning < 384> Expert < 385> Briefcase < 386> Delete all data ? Confirm ? < 387> Font size - form item <6..9> < 388> field ... time < 389> field ... time < 390> field ... 65 chars < 391> month < 392> Calculation < 393> User < 394> abbr < 395> Price < 396> Time [hours] < 397> Itinerary < 398> City < 399> Time < 400> Price per kilometer < 401> Speed < 402> kilometers < 403> per hour < 404> Refuel < 405> litres < 406> Gas consumption < 407> Computer < 408> Repeat < 409> Show < 410> finished < 411> Continue < 412> period < 413> switch off < 414> Label - flown cover < 415> text length < 416> Basic data structure < 417> inter.rate < 418> Interest < 419> field ... number 5.2 < 420> field ... number 15.2 < 421> Start, arrival? < 422> Finish, departure? < 423> Type of activity, project? < 424> current data selection < 425> Invert selection < 426> Field < 427> Goods < 428> hour < 429> pcs < 430> m2 < 431> Service < 432> Invoicing < 433> Invoice < 434> Stock < 435> Quantity < 436> Unit < 437> Tax < 438> Individual field < 439> User - program nonstop < 440> User - program start < 441> Training DIM - unit P < 442> unit < 443> decimal place < 444> before < 445> after < 446> Notable Dates < 447> field,line < 448> subject < 449> author < 450> literature < 451> Prepare < 452> Repeating data < 453> Difference < 454> Main data < 455> Other data, licence < 456> Signal, sound, song < 457> Communication < 458> Info < 459> Start < 460> caution < 461> No. of items in database < 462> Icons < 463> No < 464> shorten < 465> Deposit < 466> Profit < 467> Charge < 468> once < 469> Condition < 470> only exclusive start, user < 471> inactive < 472> Necessary < 473> Network < 474> Receipts < 475> Expenditures ******************konec-texty-menu**************************12345678901234567890 Software for every family and company, software to keep you in good shape! First multipurpose modular database designed for a small firm, an individual or a family, unrivalled versatility, open for user’s individual needs and individual program. Do you need one or more databases for your small firm, your family or yourselves? Then you can utilize the modular information system DIM. To satisfy individual requirements, to create arbitrary data structures, to program additional functions a short training is recommended. On the other hand, a slightly experienced database user can start with the simple module DIM MBDP immediately. Freeware version DIM / F serves for an introductory contact with the universal modular database unit. << ABOUT THE DATA-INFO-MEMORY PROGRAM >> Do you have troubles with remembering things at work as well as in your private life? Do you lose various pieces of information uncontrollably each time you change your PC or your operation system? If you use computers regularly, we'll help you keep hold of not only your business tasks but also of your private deadlines, birthdays and important family anniversaries, periodical responsibilities such as tax deadlines, medical check-ups, as well as the state of your accounts, income, expenditures, etc. We offer transparent administration of all selected information important for your business as well as private life. If you use our personal information system regularly and correctly you will never again lose or forget anything important. You will be able to process uncomparable amounts of information at much higher pace, your personal data and accounting entries will be well organised. With us, you will not hunt for calendars every year, search for slips of paper with your notes every day, or startle every hour about what you have forgotten. << EXAMPLE OF USE OF DATA-INFO-MEMORY >> Our colleague sent more than 20 000 emails over a year period, dealt with a lower order of telephone calls, and his main workload is graphics programming. The precise chronological documentation available in this program enabled him to manage his business communication perfectly. The formerly overloaded and absent-minded colleague suddenly became well-organised even at home and remembered for the first time the single important family anniversary and other public and private tasks. The only condition for such a success was the regular use of this program and his overly positive relation to information technology. Isn't it worth a try? << DATA-INFO-MEMORY OFFERS >> · universal personal information system, individual extensions ... firm information system · selectivity ... number of fields, length of fields, field names, program - user commands by subject specific databases · diary, task planning, periodical and one-off deadlines reminders · unlimited number of subject specific databases · any item attachments ...music, images, sounds, Word document, RTF document, table MS Excel, web, html etc. · transparent sorting of all information necessary for public and private purposes · superb accessibility of this info · unlimited number of accounts in any currency · administration of independent as well as data-related accounts · calculation, working time, working activity, itinerary · invoicing, stock · unlimited size of text attachments for accounting as well as data items · efficient browsing and information processing from the Internet · support and documentation of Internet correspondence, SMS management · support of storage and communication of private coded information "know how" - company data by post, on disc, or over the Internet · safe storage of private information about bank cards and accounts · easy mobility of complete data on business and study trips ( fast installation and deinstallation , data transfer - e.g. ZIP disc, CD-RW ) · edit any DBF files, macro, the possibility of complex data processing not only to computer experts but also to general public · data capacity sufficient for the work and leisure activities · economic format of saved information , lifetime capacity · full data compatibility to all standard database systems e.g. MS SQL, Informix, Oracle....MS Excel, Visual FoxPro ....... · selected data export and import for fast increase of the amount of useful information · low purchase price , database "for everyone" · data system and service flexibility · prices for system tailoring or special adjustments accessible for every individual or a small company, unlimited number of fields · expert assistance at large volume data to or from another standard information system · other specialised upgrades of the basic module according to the individual needs of our customers **************************************** Our company aims at the highest productivity of intellectual and creative work. We were the first ever in the world to succed in fully automating the detailing of 3D construction projects into technical documentation in CAD systems as early as 1999. Why don't you try out our software to deal your data problems ? **************************************** << DATA-INFO-MEMORY ... PROGRAM INSTALLATION >> 1/ Program requires Windows operation system , at least Win 95,98..Win NT/2000.. Win Mil.,XP ...any language environment 2/ " SMALL FONTS " setting !!! ...see menu Start /Win 2000/ Settings/Control Panel/Display/Settings/Advanced/Font Size: Small Fonts 3/ minimum resolution /workspace size / 800x600 pixels ...best from 1024x768 pixels ...see menu Start /Settings 4/ Simpler standard installation - setup.exe : / with registration To install 1/ MSI Windows 9x Engine 2.0 ...instmsia.exe /Win 95,98,Milenium MSI Windows NT Engine 2.0 ...instmsiw.exe /NT4.0, 2000 Prof.,XP 2/ Setup.exe 3/ Program start 4/ Only by problems ... install.exe ...locate of library Warning: If the Microsoft library VFP7R.dll exists anywhere in your computer, it must be exchanged by the library of the same name before starting our DIM program... e.g. Win XP, next FoxPro application etc. ... Path - e.g. C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\VFP7R.DLL ! "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP\vfp7r.dll" ! To ensure full mobility of your personal information system the necessary libraries / CD ROM Installation + ZIP disc >> Briefcase ..data backup / i.e. files: VFP7R.DLL .... size 3 416 064 kB .... essential only from DIM! MSVCR70.DLL .... size 303 104 kB .... essential + national library - system menu/1 file .... essential VFP7RENU.DLL .... size 901 120 kB .... English default! VFP7RCSY.DLL .... size 909 312 kB .... Czech VFP7RDEU.DLL .... size 933 888 kB .... German VFP7RESN.DLL .... size 933 888 kB .... Spanish VFP7RFRA.DLL .... size 933 888 kB .... French VFP7RRUS.DLL .... size 917 504 kB .... Russian install.exe ..helpful installation, it is sometimes necessary to specify the Code Page of the files. Without registration, no modem. Uninstall: / Setup.exe When you have finished your work at the host computer and backed up your data on your portable disc /Briefcase - function/, next uninstall with setup.exe. To protect your data we recommend the use of both passwords: to enter the program and to erase data. It is necessary to code important private information. Data base network: 1/ installation DIM server 2/ program start DIM server, check, settings 3/ installation DIM Client (as server) 4/ program start DIM Client, data sharing setup to DIM server see menu Settings - Server 5/ by analogy next Client installation Temporary licence (free - full version only) after installation program start repeat, includes DIM destruction. << DATA-INFO-MEMORY HELP >> Before you run the program for the first time, you are advised to adapt the graphic set-up of the background to your liking. Copy your favourite images in *.BMP,JPG,GIF format to the .\BMP subdirectory, the subdirectory can be created at the first program start-up. If you do not have your own images you are welcome use our menu : a/ CD - ROM b/ see our web page www.top.cz/vhbsoft ...Download Note: Select the size of the BMP format in accordance with the capacity of your computer hardware. Name of file without spaces e.g . "pride_of_the_morning.bmp" !!! After the first start-up it is necessary to : a/ To improve the layout with bigger resolution / see installation conditions / in the top program menu change Settings - Minimum resolution - 1024x768 and restart the program. b/ According to your needs select suitable fields names and give them corresponding information description ... >> Menu - info ledge >> to activate functions double click on the info windows DB - Info : 1.window from the left (DB) >> DB Selection selects and activates specific business or private database "Contact" See
icon and corresponding settings Settings - Individual settings - Field names in data table - Default Recommendation : to ensure simple and direct compatibility of your data with the data of your colleagues and friends using the program it is advisable not to change the meaning of main data fields such as company, name, telephone, address. Do not change the content of the e-mail, postcode, Index-DB type, note fields to maintain important functions and links to Internet directory. E.g. field ... 50 chars - means format of 50 chars including spaces This data field is so important that to change its content is technically possible but functionally undesirable. It is vital for every user to assign suitable meaning especially to numeric items with regard to the expected value range. E.g. field ... number 9.2 - means format 999 999.99 The set-up can be changed at any time. Data translaters is available as necessary ... hotline@vhbsoft.top.cz c/ Settings - Account Settings - main, local currency highlight to select Example of data import from another program, e.g. from Outlook: 1/ From the program Outlook we want to export items "Contacts" to the file dBase. There exist two destination files named e.g. Outlook.dbf and Outlook.dbt. 2/ Start DIM program. 3/ Now we check data in the Outlook file using option popup menu Database / Open - Edit - Macro If the query for code pages in which the file was created appears, it is necessary, in the case of Outlook program, to select Code Page 850 - International MS-DOS After the checking close the file. 4/ Popup menu Other / Import - DBF / Data / Other ... import arbitrary data structure. Select data file for Outlook.dbf import.Step by step assign the individual fields from Outlook.dbf file to the DIM fields using option Field - DIM link /popup menu/. To select certain DIM field mark the white field black. The setting can be saved for future usage (copy to ...). Examples of such settings are available for Outlook program in the directory .\backup\system\import\*.dbf. See popup menu Setting / Import ..select setting file OutlookENCP850.dbf. The option Data - Import /popup/ enables to prepare individual data import and to check its quality and completeness. Eventual errors of import are recorded in the file Error.txt. When all fields of program Outlook are assigned in the fields of the program DIM and data import by options Data - Import is complete, the import procedure should be closed (popup menu Close). 5/ In the next window we mark items that we intend to exclude from import. The program offers insertion of all or undefined indexes DB into database selected. Important: We offer special modifications according to the needs of our customers,owners of the MB and higher versions. Our customers have direct impact on the development of the program. * * * < Basic data structure > Two basic data types: 1/General data and contacts; the Memo-field option offers a possibility to attach unlimited text data to data items, to attach an account to an item 2/Internet - email contact database with short description and orientation indexes sorting the contacts, batch or individual communication possible. File: general data ... db.dbf + db.fpt .... always 2 files !! diary/tasks ... login.dbf Internet ... internet.dbf Each general data item with specified e-mail address is automatically included in the internet contact list /Internet/ at every update. Not every Internet item has the information corresponding to the general data item structure. Experience shows that there are at least ten times more of internet contacts. As the interlinking of both data levels is not complete /see "E-mail with specific data"/,to ensure the smooth movement of the cursor,it is necessary to repeat the update procedure especially when deleting items and importing new data. < Menu > Note : help available for more complex operations only. < Menu - icons > 1.Main menu : Exit Redraw screen status,licence / full version only Diary-deadlines and tasks To delete completed items mark the white field black To confirm completed periodical tasks change the date to the next date, e.g. alter the last digit of the year/month To move the task according to no. of days, weeks, click on the right mouse button. For a deadline prompt enter time, e.g. 10.35 or 16.00, on the first position ... if the program is running or when it is started afterwards you will be prompted Example: 10.30 meeting at the mathematics department Tasks are sorted chronologically Any two week time period can be shown in the editable area ... enter the desired date - e.g. 26.10.2042 in a free item space, press Alt+A Tasks in data as well as diary areas can be planned for unlimited time periods ... example >>> vaccination period < Menu Diary > Diary Close File - print Current tasks ... date From date ...? Until date ...? Repeat - no. of days? ..period Repeat - finished New deadline for uncompleted tasks Search for item Continue Select by: Tasks - Activity - Notes Edit Search for item Notable Dates - Paste To select mark the white field black. Thus selected items of fiel User are automatically assigned to the corresponding date in the diary. Other Calculator Calendar Form - Data / Info Internal menu Deleting of whole data items is reversible. To limit irreversible erasing it is advisable to set another password (different from the one to enter the program). Thus the erasings right is clearly delineated. Copying and insertion of text, data items - sorting corresponding items according to subject, company, name, note, e-mail address etc. To open the postcode database double click on field Condition: ...file .\post\post_??.dbf !! The field enables you to attach an account to an item : insert the account name in <> ...e.g. .. only standard characters allowed in the file name ... the account opens when you click on the right mouse button, it is advisable to activate the function with the editing form locked. ...if there is no account defined, the form closes when you click on the right mouse button outside the Memo-field /..item attachments ..data-info/ More accounts can be added to one data item... the initial strings of the account file names need to be identical ... >>> "vhb*.*" By analogy right or double click : E-mail, SMS etc. Text attachments can be searched and edited in selected text editors such as WordPad - Write, NotePad, etc. To open the editor click on the right mouse button in the Memo field of the form. When finished editing, save the text attachment in the editor, close the editing window and confirm attaching the text attachment to the data item. By analogy to open any item attachments in the Memo field of the form ...in double brackets defined << path ...full filename >> e.g. ...<>...music ...<<.\applied\dim-hi1.jpg>>......images ...<<.\applied\sound50.wav>>......sounds ...<<..\Texts\document1.doc>>.....Word document ...<< e:\Thomas\Texts\document2.rtf >>.....RTF document ...<>......table MS Excel ...<>......web,html ...<>......program-mix (Starter-time) etc. Condition: Windows ...Open with... ...Always use this program to open these files... Attention: to release data item from the active subject database, i.e. to delete the original subject marking /index-DB/, enter a new subject specification or "-", which is then automatically erased Search for item 2.Menu - Selection : Selection method >> selection from selection As there can be unlimited numbers of internal databases /index-DB/ in the program and we expect large volumes of data, each new selection operates with the results of the previous one(s). If the data is not found it is necessary to repeat the search for all data. Selection case in/sensitive switch Selection by : Bulk search in text fields Bulk search in predominantly numeric fields Individual search in specific fields ... company, name, saved texts - data, note.... Selection of current tasks twofold current task selection 1/ individual tasks : insert "!" into the note field 2/ timed tasks - with set task or next contact date in form 7 days before deadline, data are moved into the current task selection. Thus selected current tasks are automatically assigned to the corresponding date in the diary and marked ">>". You can move or erase thus marked tasks in diary and data at the same time when deleting them. Complete data by "Index DB" Complete data of the selected database will be active. -see the left window of the >> "DB Selection" ledge When complete data is demanded, complete current tasks are available -see function 2. window from the left >> "No of items in database" Selection by "Index DB" The "i" icon enables you to open more databases at the same time if their description includes the entered string of characters -different selection criteria >> "Select DB" 3.Menu - sort, print : Sorted by item to activate click on the window to >> select the sorting item Common icon options Sort by Ad hoc sorting by assigned indexes, suitable when no common characteristics available - see e.g. top pop up menu - Data management - postcode Print format setting print format modification, unlimited no. of options recovery of menu-icons: close program DIM, start of file , restart program Print printer, into file < Menu - info ledge > to activate functions double click on the info windows DB - Info : 1.window from the left (DB) >> DB Selection selects and activates specific business or private database -each family member or business partner can operate with unlimited numbers of subject specific databases,e.g. a product business agenda,civic association membership, political party database, the son might like to organise the data of his scout group, the daughter might prefer to sort her study subjects data, the wife might be inclined to store interesting recipes or Internet information on gardening. When you work with an individual subject specific database, new items are added into it automatically unless you wish otherwise. 2.window from the left (Info) >> No. of database items when activated shows complete data from all defined databases ... First window from the left (DB) >> vacant ! New Index DB, new database: see icon Form, new item, new Index DB, enter one next text at least in the field, close the form. First window from the left (DB) >> DB Selection..selection and activation of a certain new database Definition of an individual field name, data description or data structure: top pop-up menu Settings, Individual settings, Field names in data table - New item /DB enter a new Index DB and chose differences from setting Default selectivity ... number of fields, length of fields, field names, program commands, functions according to user´s demands for subject specific database 4.window from the left >> No. of current items in databases shows complete data about the current tasks in all defined databases Internet : 2.window from the left >> No. of E-mail contacts when activated shows complete data of all E-mail contacts 4.window from the left >> E-mail to send shows data of E-mail contacts ready to be sent Prn : 1.window from the right >> Active print format selection and activation of the print format < Top pop-up menu > 1/ Data management View Edit To delete of items mark the white field black Search for item Select by: text Select by: text lenght Select by: number Select by: Ad hoc sorting by assigned indexes, suitable when no common characteristics available Postcode ... Select by: This selection can be used to choose companies to visit at a business trip, postcode can be used to optimise their order according to location /postcode/ and then change the sequence of visit to print according to the journey plan. For international selection it is advisable to preserve the postcode identification e.g. CZ10000, CZ30166, D-75172, CH6005 etc. You can set up automatic completion of country in / menu Settings - Internet - Interlinking / E-mail,country, postcode For Central European countries we are preparing an integrated database for automatic completion of postcodes according to address location. At present, postcodes can be partially filled in from analogical addresses already entered in the program - see data update. Selection case in/sensitive switch Calculations Current data selection always operates with current selection data Time, no. of days Deposit - Interest - Profit Calculator Results last calculations Label - flown cover Print format setting print format modification, unlimited no. of options recovery of menu-icons: close program DIM, start of file , restart program Print Encryption To better protect your important private information use private coding /customer version only. To exchange private information with another user use the general code and password protection. Important: Do not use non-standard keys for coded information or passwords. Information coded by the general code cannot be decoded by personal code and vice versa. Information coded by personal code / the highest level of data protection / cannot be decoded in any other than your licenced program installation. Not even your personal password will help you decode your data in any other installation or freeware-version. Coding tables of sufficient size, created by the customers themselves, secure the highest level of data protection. Recommended table size (*.cod) is 99 to 9999 lines depending on the data file sizes. If the corresponding coding table is lost, the data will remain undecodable. 2/ Internet New item You can use preset values, e.g. index, country or automatic completion of country in unambiguous cases Automatic format modification for fast data insertion sale@top.cz ...to ... sale@top.cz i.e. you do not have to delete manually Automatic mass processing of addresses e.g. from CD ROM, exhibition subject CD ROM ... to be consulted, with VHB Soft Repeated address check Add from HTM,TXT,DOC,MSG .... ? fully automatic from directory Data update Links - data <<>> Internet, postcode <<>> address E-mails to send E-mail earlier than mark to send Bulk or individual selection of addresses to send Selection according to date and index of earlier contacts Selection according to country - common language of the text message defined in M-index When you mark the first white field black, the address is removed from the selection to be sent, not erased from the contact list. The choice of different M-indexes enables you to send up to nine groups of e-mails with different texts. E-mails to send - current data selection see data management - No. of current items in databases Edit current e-mail/M>0 editing of address groups to be sent Addresses to be sent format to file Preparation of groups of addresses to be linked with specific sent messages The program determines local correspondence by the first item in file / menu Settings - Internet - Interlinking / E-mail,country, post code File - E-mails to send Enter current date/delete M(mail)-index When batch is sent the date of last contact is marked and previous contacts moved If mail is not sent, M-index can be mass deleted without the date being entered Edit Edit - Sort by item: Index, E-mail ...etc. edit in relevant group Country Here the state - address connection can be filled in or checked beware...foreign company representations often use foreign e-mail addresses. Edit - Select by: E-mail, Note, (Attachment) E-mail Individual selection, e.g. checking whether you have an interesting e-mail address in your database already. If not, it is saved immediately, when the window is closed nationality is filled in. See previous function. If you press Alt+D in this selection, you can save all important information directly from Internet to general data and contacts. You will appreciate this function when selecting important information from the Internet on-line or sorting previously saved web pages. Attention : To open the memo-field double click on "Memo", then insert the copied blocks of important info /Ctrl+C ... Ctrl+V/. Note (Attachment) ...see Menu - Settings, Internet, Attachment (memo) SMS - Select see Menu - Selection SMS - Prepare addresses to send Addresses to send - format to file ... no. of items>4 ! SMS - File - E-mails to send 3/ Edit 4 basic standard Windows text editing functions User - program start ... DB Program Visual FoxPro - user commands by "Index DB" External programs, subprograms, subroutine. See example ...freeware DIM / F by "Index-DB" . Freeware DIM / F : a/ Menu - info ledge ...selects and activates database b/ Top pop-up menu ... Edit, User - program start ... c/ Top pop-up menu ... Settings, Individual settings, Field names in data table - Edit /DB ...structure DB Replace - text Replace - Data, Internet, Diary replace character strings ...with or without check Check Repeating data Main data Condition: irreversibly erases items previously marked to delete Field selection to check of repeating Difference - Other data, licence Field selection to check Results E-mail logical check Interlinking / analogy: E-mail<>company, name suitable for mass imports of new data ... e.g. 10 000 new contacts will be automatically compared with company data with missing internet contacts entered earlier. To make the analogy search work it is necessary to define non-specific anonymous strings appearing in addresses for the analogy search to ignore them: in the menu / menu Settings - Internet - Interlinking /..../ e-mail, company, name Attachment file availability Postcode database .\post\post_cz.dbf ...Czech Republic Erase marked Irreversibly erases items previously marked to delete Recommendation : it is advisable to protect the function by a password different from the one to enter the program to protect your data from careless treatment. Undo this function enables you to select (within the set no. of actions) a previous state of the data item and re-enter it into the active data. To select the final data version setting, compare with the last state. Erase the unwanted data item finally. Program Visual FoxPro user commands Visual FoxPro 4/ Other Export data selection into DBF,MS Excel,TXT formats with any separator Import data selection from DBF DBF - Data DIM identical structure with DIM, direct data import Other import arbitrary data structure < Menu Other structures > View data imported data Field - DIM allocate field to DIM field Edit more fields to one DIM field, e.g. to Memo field order, insert before text, after text Settings Copy to save setting of data structure as (name) Import insert setting of data structure for repeated import = DIM ?? compare with DIM structure File - Error.txt last error report Data - Import activation Close DBF - Diary DIM Other DBF - Internet DIM Other Prepare TXT - DBF with any separator to data structure (DBF) e.g. from file |John|,|Packer|,|London|,|Ardee Road|,57,0.00,|26.08.1959| |Jana|,|Vesela|,|Prague|,|Zamecka ul.|,21,2.30,|06.04.1965| used any separator | |,| |,| |,| |, , ,| | nebo ze souboru |John|Packer|London|Ardee Road|57|0.00|26.08.1959| |Jana|Vesela|Prague|Zamecka ul.|21|2.30|06.04.1965| used selfsame separator (repeated) | define step by step separator befor field and data structure (DBF) < Menu TXT - DBF > Settings - Import insert setting of data structure for repeated import Settings - Copy to save setting of data structure as (name) SDF - DBF fields as column without separator including spaces text ... trim from the left numbers ... trim from the right e.g. from file John Packer London Ardee Road 57 0.0019590826 Jana Vesela Prague Zamecka ul. 21 2.3019650406 define step by step data structure (DBF) - length of fields see field/type/length of fields/decimal place name/C/5/0 last_name/C/7/0 place/C/7/0 street/C/11/0 number/N/3/0 profit/N/6/2 date/D/8/0 ... < Menu SDF - DBF > Settings - Import insert setting of data structure for repeated import Settings - Copy to save setting of data structure as (name) ... other ways according to customers' needs Briefcase easy mobility of complete data on business and study trips data transfer - e.g. ZIP disc >>> .\DIMbag\economic e.g. 2 licences ... installation at home and in work Export DIM > Briefcase Import Briefcase > DIM ...(old) data backup .\bak\*.* Calculation Start, arrival? optional ... e.g. working time Finish, departure? optional Data update e.g. project, working activity New item User Type of activity, project? Edit User Type of activity, project? Start, arrival? Finish, departure? Calculation - Time [hours] Calculation Start, arrival? Finish, departure? Calculation - Type of activity, project? Results last calculations Invoicing Invoice Stock data import Itinerary Itinerary data recording < Menu Itinerary > Itinerary Close Refuel data recording Calculations Calculations for user (from certain date up to date) Results last calculations Edit Check: speed; time Other Export Import Settings Speed Price per kilometer New item - User Edit - User Program/mix: Starter-time Edit program-mix, series of steps, starts ...hudba, photo, movies, lecture, presentation etc. < Menu > File Paste file, directory Calculations Pause >> Total ? Total >> Pause ? Check Repeating data Start test of starts, opening 1 file, program row Condition: Windows ...Open with... ...Always use this program to open these files... Highlight to select - all Invert selection Edit Replace - \PATH\.. Other Calculator Calendar Close Table system menu Start subprogram DIM/Starter-time >> Pause/Break pause < Menu > Top first Continue continuing Skip move Quit escape Info Calendar Computer Hardware - info saved in <.\info\status.txt> Basic data structure Settings - DIM Special field TechDok - Installation >> test test to install TechDok to HiCAD - only to the TechDok licence owners Daily data backup Complete data, tasks and Internet into .\backup subdirectory Accounts /last balance only / into .\backup\economic subdirectory Do not underestimate regular data backup. Beware the danger of data loss at repeated installation or upgrading. Always back up your data first and import them to the new installation. Important / data files : Backup example: date 25.10.2000 general data ... 20001025-Data.dbf + 20001025-Data.fpt .... always 2 files diary/tasks ... 20001025-Diary.dbf Internet ... 20001025-Internet.dbf Pause Relaxation, automatic periodical alteration of images until the screensaver / Windows is deactivated Account opens and keeps an independent account, unlimited no. of accounts can be added to any data item /see menu Icons - Main menu - Form - in note/ Undefined currency is filled in automatically as local. Other marked as standard /see Settings-Account-Interlinking ..Currency/ are automatically calculated according to the rate. ...Ctrl+K copies item to edit similar ...Alt+A adds new items ...before marking the account item to be deleted clear the value and the note < Menu Account > Account Close New item Calculations - Print Sum of positive, negative items and total can be activated by right mouse button or Alt+T ..total Results last calculations Settings-Calculations-Date Calculations from date up to date Selection To see all items after return to complete selection it is sometimes necessary to move the cursor PgUp, PgDn The table can be moved by mouse when the middle button is pressed. Edit Other Calculator Calendar Export analogical to data management Import analogical to data management 5/ Database any data User - program start ... Default Program Visual FoxPro - user commands to any data, print. External programs, subprograms, subroutine. New file new table New file as file copy data structure Table Designer structure editing, table setup View data Open - Edit - Macro data editing < Menu > Data management Close Table 1 Table 2 Edit View data Sort all Select Calculations Results Edit Other Calculator Calendar Copy to DBF,MS Excel,TXT,SDF ...export Macro operation, help Command Visual FoxPro single command Program Visual FoxPro Help - Program Visual FoxPro Training Visual FoxPro Table system menu Change data codepage Transformation of chosen data to required code page .. CodePage ..CP Directory - Change data codepage directory 6/ Settings standard settings Language Fonts Order [1]...[9] company, name ...etc. Initial order of fields in the tables to view, edit The fields can be moved, their order changed when taken by their label. Settings - User [1]...[9] Table to view Table to edit Different colours for the tables to view and edit improve orientation in the available editing options. Standard or individually chosen colours variations Minimum resolution better layout with bigger resolution / see installation conditions / Individual settings Field names in data table - Default see chapter /After the first start-up/ Field names in data table - New item /DB individual field name, data description, data structure Field names in data table - Edit /DB by "Index DB" User - program nonstop User - program start Program Visual FoxPro - user commands by "Index DB" External programs ... run (unit P) See example ...freeware DIM / F by "Index-DB" . User - program start ... Default Program Visual FoxPro - user commands to any data, print. External programs, subprograms, subroutine. Menu - Icons choice Change password - program entry Change password - administration DIM To protect your data, do choose two different passwords . Fill in undefined main data In items where the main fields (name, company, note) are not specified, data can be filled in automatically with a dash. Example: extensive text info from different scientific fields is stored in Memo-fields, separate chapters are labeled in the note field. These 'library' type data cannot be aligned with company, name or phone. Here it is possible to move the chapter labels to the main field temporarily. Similar procedure can be used in companies with no contact persons available. The operation facilitates the work in tables. A dash at the beginning of the label makes an automatic reversal of the operation possible. Macro - Function keys A text string can be attached to each function key The preset text for the F1 and F2 keys is current date. This instrument is very useful for regularly repeated operations, e.g. mail filing, regular tasks, recurrent accounting items etc. Non-standard keyboard characters can be preset: e.g. @,&,$,%, or <> for account name to be added to a data item note. BMP >>> ZOOM ?? 1:1 ?? Background images can be shown in 1:1 scale / proportions preserved or zoomed up to the size of the window / proportions distorted Most aesthetically suitable are big *.BMP images ... 1:1 scale (demanding on hardware), but also RAM, or graphic cards Pause Undo Sets the minimum number of actions in the form to be stored while editing. Any change in the data is saved to be retrievable in case you wished to come back to a previous version. It is possible to compare several different data item versions. You can store up to 999 previous steps. Warning: The back up edit is supported in the form only, therefore, making substantial changes in the table is not recommended. Text editor sets the editor for text attachment editing in the form. Recommended : WordPad ... Write Encryption coding type setting 1 file ... simpler data protection: *.psw by the *.cod coding table 2 files .. for the highest data protection separate the *.psw data file from the key *.psc and the coding table *.cod Memory VFP - Command Visual FoxPro max. number of items Notable Dates Copy to >> User English > User German > User Czech > User Slovakian > User Editation of field User. Help - Warning - Pause Signal, sound, song data quantity, signal to end of subroutine Internet Index / Internet - index meaning, description This index is important for the selection of wrong or cancelled addresses, individual / subject specification etc. Experience shows that it is better to index changed addresses for a few years rather than to delete them immediately as they may appear again. The meaning of "e" index is fixed to "Error - wrong address". Other indexes are selectable. It is advisable to block permanently addresses of people/companies that do not wish to be contacted. If you erase such an address you risk contacting them again by mistake when surfing on the Internet. Addresses blocked in the Internet directory As there are usually many variations in addresses of bigger companies, address strings can be saved to potentially block all addresses containing the string. It pays to file the reason for the blocking too. No. of addresses at server You will appreciate the statistic evaluation and automatic record of numbers of addresses in the note field especially when you do not want to send identical message to several people in the same company. It is necessary, however, to distinguish company servers from internet providers. Interlinking / E-mail... company, name see menu Edit - Check >> E-mail Interlinking / E-mail.. country..postcode..currency see menu Data management - postcode Attachment the Memo-field option offers a possibility to attach unlimited text data to data items File: Internet ... internet.dbf + internet.fpt(memo) ... always 2 files !! Account Index / Account index meaning and description Interlinking / E-mail.. country..postcode..currency the exchange rate to the main currency needs to be updated periodically ...main, local currency as well as the owner's home country need to be stated in the first field of the table, exchange rates have to relate to this currency Settings - main, local currency highlight to select Communication Modem COM1,COM2...COMn Phone - No. of chars min. Europe min. 9 chars Settings - SMS SMS to E-mail a/ 0042___0602_________@sms.eurotel.cz b/ _______0737641434___aliasname@click.cz z.B. mobile phone >>> E-mail a/ 0602 123456 >>> 00420602123456@sms.eurotel.cz b/ 0737641434 >>> aliasname@click.cz Phone - Dialer.exe MS Phone,call,test,modem Network Settings - Server data sharing, choose of server installation ... select file db.dbf data base network - module N Start - Local exclusive data access Start - Network switch Network - deadlines and tasks Server >> Client Save settings necessary especially prior to installing a new version of the program, ditto for data backup. Settings - Import necessary especially after the new version of the program has been installed, ditto for import of backed-up data. 7/ Exit immediate ..Ctrl+Q >> Quit ! 8/ ? Help .\BMP\DIM*.JPG,GIF images Help if the string was found in more areas of help, headings will be offered first, the chosen area can then be opened by cursor. >>> .\info\help.txt << DATA-INFO-MEMORY FREEWARE VERSION >> The data storage capacity in all areas of the freeware-version is limited to 150 items. This version is sufficient e.g. for children as an introduction to the database area, it enables you to test the usefulness of the program, to save short coded items on bank cards, passwords, bank account access, etc. Simple coding of very short items By registering the freeware-version at Czech Republic you get : a/ Miniversion ... MV suitable for passive computer users, not interested in Internet expected use of diary, task deadlines Information database ... Data-Info-Memory MV .... 1000 items max. Task&deadline database ... Diary MV .... 1000 items max. Coding by general code only. b/ Full version ... MB Complete database and diary ... Data-Info-Memory MB ... unlimited -full coding of private information The owner of this version is entitled to service and tailoring of the program, to influence the further development of the program as well as better compatibility with new prepared projects. c/ New extensions : Economist - accounting unit... E database - data administration unit ... D,P data base network, data sharing ... N individual extensions ... I Complete DIM ... Data-Info-Memory MBDE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- << DATA-INFO-MEMORY PRICES >> The price depends on the number of ordered licences. Bulk orders for one owner /company, family/ have identical code for private coding...multilicence. Miniversion ... Data-Info-Memory MV 1. licence............. USD 18,- 2.-5.licence......... USD 15,- 6.-10.licence..... USD 10,- more licences..... USD 7,- Full version ... Data-Info-Memory MB ...basic program 1. licence............. USD 32,- 2.-5.licence......... USD 26,- 6.-10.licence..... USD 20,- more licences..... USD 15,- Extensions: Economist... Data-Info-Memory MB + E Database... Data-Info-Memory MB + D Professional ..Program Visual Foxpro ... Data-Info-Memory MB + D + P Network firm version ... Data-Info-Memory MB + N + D + E + P + 1 program item 1. licence............. USD +16,- 2.-5.licence......... USD +14,- 6.-10.licence..... USD 11,- more licences..... USD 8,- Individual extensions - program module MB + I ... commitment fee 1. licence .... +35,- ... +90,- USD 2.-5.licence......... USD +14,- 6.-10.licence..... USD 11,- more licences..... USD 8,- ---------- a/ Installation over the Internet - on the payment of your invoice with no additional charges b/ Installation discs, CD - ROM + background images, postage, additional charge USD +18,- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multilicence for charities and foundations: MBDEP flat price .... ... USD 22,- Multilicence for medical and educational organisations: MBDEP flat price .... ... USD 80,- Reduction in price exclusive unit I, N, training. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net prices >>> all costs of the payment covered by the purchaser. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your order should contain: 1/ Type and number of licences 2/ Exact name and address of the purchaser / company or individual / 3/ Registration number of the company / birth date of the individual 4/ Bank connection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Send orders to : Czech Republic On the payment of your invoice you will receive the complete licence registration that extends your freeware-version to the ordered full version. File dim.key copy to program directory. Special requirements such as installation discs, CD-ROM etc., or other services ... extra charge ... min. USD 15,- We highly recommend our training opening for you all the possibilities of our program. It pays back very fast. Training fees ... USD 80,- /1 day / 5 participants max. at the premises of our company / ... + travel expenses ...training at your premises / number of participants according to your needs / Training: a/ User b/ administration DIM, network version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VHB Soft Ltd. - software provider for everyone