ReGet Registration Process Information

ReGet Registration Process Information

Before starting the registration process you'll need to purchase product key on our Ordering page. You will receive e-mail from ReGet Software with your personal product key. Please have this e-mail handy before running the registration process. To fully register your copy, a special activation code, unique for your computer needs to be downloaded from our server, so please make sure to establish Internet connection before starting registration process.

Registration process

  1. Run your copy of ReGet. You will see the nag-screen with three buttons - "Purchase", "Evaluate" and "Register". Press the "Register" button to start registration process.
  2. The registration wizard welcome screen has some important information and tips about the activation process, please read it carefully and press "Next" button.
  3. Enter your name (exactly as you entered it when buying the software) and product key as received from ReGet Software by e-mail or on the registration page. The best way not to make a mistake entering this data is to use copy and paste (you can use CTRL+C hotkey to copy selected information to Windows clipboard and CTRL+V to paste it). Please make sure you are connected to the Internet before continuing. Press "Next" button.
  4. After verifying your name and product key and downloading the activation code from our server ReGet will congratulate you on successful registration. That's all. You have registered your copy of ReGet.

If you failed by any reason to complete automatical registration (on the step 4) you will be suggested to perform registration manually. This process will not take much time. Please follow the instructions of the Registration Wizard - Manual Mode.

Frequently asked questions about registration are answered here.