Integration settings.

About Integration
Description of Integration settings dialog elements

About Integration
ReGet Deluxe can automatically intercept downloads from browsers and integrate into context menu of browsers based on Internet Explorer (like MSN Explorer, etc.), monitor clipboard (and automatically create download when URL address is copied into clipboard). Also ReGet can catch links from Netscape Navigator and Opera browsers.

Integration with browsers based on Internet Explorer and with other browsers works different. If Internet Explorer is used, it's possible to select one of two integration methods: Low-Level Integration and Basic Integration.

Low-Level Integration is based on interception of default Internet Explorer's "File Download" dialog. This method works with all types of downloads, including complex redirects, forms, scripts, etc. It may however cause misbehavior in some third-party applications. In order to avoid activating ClickCatcher and passing the link to Internet Explorer for download you can hold the CTRL-key when clicking on the link.

Basic integration is recommended only if you experience problmes with third-party applications using Low-Level Integration. Using this method, ReGet will catch URL, which is being analyzed then, and if extension of file this URL points to is not in special "Ignore Extensions" list, ReGet adds a download then. It's necessary to suppress ReGet from catching files that must be interpreted by browser, e.g. HTML documents or Java scripts, etc.It might not intercept downloads from some complex redirects, forms and scripts, however it is safe to use with other applications. You can define extensions to be ignored from interceptions below.

For Netsape Navigator and Opera only Basic Integration is available.

To set up Integration settings select "Options-Integration" from main ReGet menu, or use Control Panel applet: Start-Settings-Control panel-ReGet integration.

Description of Integration settings dialog elements

Following is a description of Integration Settings dialog elements:


Default download manager.
This is one of download managers of ReGet family (ReGet Deluxe, ReGet 1.x, ReGet Junior). List content depends on installed download managers.
Ask for confirmation when adding download from browser.
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will ask for confirmation when adding download from browser.
Ask for confirmation when adding download from clipboard.
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will ask for confirmation when adding download from clipboard.

Internet Explorer
These settings are only have effect when Internet Explorer based browsers are used.
Intercept downloads from Internet Explorer.
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will catch links from Internet Explorer.
Low-Level Integration, Basic Integration
Please read About integration in order to know what integration method is best for you.
Ignore Extensions
This list contains extensions which ReGet will ignore when adds download. E.g. if URL like (extension is "html") was clicked, ReGet will not intercept this download, because extension "html" is in "Ignore Extensions" list. If URL like (extension is "zip") was clicked, ReGet will intercept such link and add download.
Intercept download only if Alt key is pressed
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will add download only if Alt key was pressed during click on a link.
Add ReGet (...) to context menu.
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will add options "Download with ReGet" and "Download all with ReGet". Last feature is useful, when it's necessary to download several files from one web page.
Nescape, Opera
Following settings are only have effect when Netscape Navigator or Opera is used.
Netscape Navigator
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will catch links from Netscape Navigator.
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will catch links from Opera.
Intercept download only if Alt key is pressed
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will add download only if Alt key was pressed during click on a link.
Ignore Extensions
Purpose of this list is the same as above.
These are clipboard settings.
Monitor clipboard
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will automatically add download when URL is copied to clipboard.
Ignore Extensions
Purpose of this list is the same as above.
Monitor Clipboard even if ReGet (...) is not running
If this checkbox is checked, ReGet will monitor clipboard even if it's not running
Enable MSIE Spy
MSIE Spy is application that allows to monitor all URL addresses that Internet Explorer requests. If this checkbox is checked, button "Spy" appears on Internet Explorer toolbar. To activate MSIE Spy, click that button. To enable feature of automatically decreasing of traffic priority in ReGet, when Internet Explorer is active and downloads something, either MSIE Spy must be enabled, or "Intercept downloads from Internet Explorer" checkbox must be checked.