General issues

I am a web-master, how can I place a link to your site?

Download ReGet now! If you want to make lives of your users easier or just link ReGet Deluxe from your page, please place ReGet button (shown on the left) on your pages. The HTML-code for it is shown below. Other buttons and banners with their HTML-codes you can find on our partners graphics page. If you made a review of ReGet Deluxe and published it somewhere, please let us know.

<A href="">
<IMG src=""
ALT="Download ReGet now!"></A>

What does it take to qualify as beta-tester?

We have stopped wide beta-testing program. If you want to discuss bugs you've found or features you want to have in ReGet Deluxe you are welcome to our newsgroup.

I found a bug in ReGet Deluxe. What should I do?

Please e-mail to our support team at if you encountered an error. In your mail please specify:

How can I get the log of download?

To get the log do the following: