Items with the icon are new features included in Folder Size Shell Extensionáv3.0 or v3.1 and items with the icon
have updated features (new features are included in the item or bugs are fixed).
The "Options" menu is displayed when you click on the "Options" button.
This menu allows you to select which unit to display the size of foldersá:
With the "Auto" item the "best" unit will be used to display the size of the folders.
With Bytes, Kilo Bytesá(Kb), Mega Bytesá(Mb), Giga Bytesá(Gb)á the size of each folder will be displayed using the selected unit.
The folders can be sorted by name of by size in ascending or descending way.
When you choose a sort by name, this sort can be case sensitive or not.
For each folder you can display its size (this size includes the size of sub folders) and its allocated space (i.e. the size allocated by the operating system to store the files included in the folder).
You can also display the size(s) of a folder before its name.
The "Refresh" option allows you to update the contents of the windows (can be very useful if you have made a modification in a folder displayed in the hierarchical tree).
Parameters described above can be saved using the "Save parameters" option.
You can also save in a file (in text format) the content of the windows using the "Save in a file" option. You can include in this file, more the displayed information in the window, the waste space (in percentage) and the number of files and sub folders contained by each folder.
Each folder in the hierarchical tree view has its own contextual menu (displayed when you right click on the folder). This menu allows you to expand or collapse the current branch or all branches. There is also a sub menu containing information about the selected folder. These information are the number of files and sub folders, the size, allocated space, and waste space (in percentage) of the folder.