Preferences: Skins: Skin Options

The Skins page lets you do the following:

To display the Skins page:

Description of items on page:



Double-click window for next skin mode

Set to have QCD change to the next mode when you double-click on the player

Fade-in fixed extensions

Set to have QCD do a fade-in animation when opening skin extensions

Save separate positions for each mode

Set to save each mode of the skin in its own position. Otherwise, each mode will open in the same location.

Note: this option is set on a per-skin basis



Random skin on startup

Set to have QCD select a random skin from the installed skins when it starts

Random skin per track

Set to have QCD select a random skin from the installed skins when a track completes

Select random mode from current family only

Set to have QCD select a random mode from the current skin family instead of from all install skins.

For information about using the Skins pages of the QCD Preferences, see Working with Skins.