Preferences: Skins: Download Skins

The Skins page lets you do the following:

To display the Skins page:

Description of items on page:



Update Skin List

Click to download latest list of skins


Select a skin from the list, then click Install to automatically download the skin.

Note: this will not change the current skin.


Select a skin from the list, then click Preview to get a preview of the skin.

Note: when the skin preview window is open, just single-click another skin to preview it


Select a skin from the list, then click Unlist to have it not display in the list.

Note: this is to reduce the size of skin list and to stop skins you don't like from getting in the way.

List all

Click to list reset all unlisted skins. All skins will then be listed.

For information about using the Skins pages of the QCD Preferences, see Working with Skins.