Preferences: Settings

The Settings page lets you do the following:

To display the Settings page:

Description of items on page:



Check for newer version

Click to query the QCD website to see if the installed version of QCD is the latest available

Auto-check after startup

Set to check for newer versions of the player every time the player starts



Internet Connection

Set this to best indicate the type of Internet connection available to QCD. If you do not want QCD connecting to the Internet for any reason, set this to 'I have no Internet connection (Never connect)'



Proxy Server

If you are connecting to the Internet through a proxy server, enter the host name and port number to connect through. If you are not connecting through a proxy, make sure this setting is blank.

To specify a proxy, enter the host name and port number as 'host:port' (eg: proxyname:8080)

Username and Password

If your proxy requires a username and password, enter them here. (Username and password information is not stored locally by QCD).

Process Priority

Set QCD's process priority. Set higher if QCD is running too slowly, set lower if other programs are running too slowly.