Drivers / OvladaΦe

The main scope of this web is to offer simple access to device drivers of the PC components. In the first stage, the main focus of interest is the Windows platform. The author himself is not going to create comprehensive database of all existing drivers, but rather link to sources of related information. It should be possible to find an information about well-known devices as well as lesser-known ones.

Tento web se sna₧φ zjednoduÜit p°φstup k ovladaΦ∙m zßkladnφch komponent a za°φzenφ PC. V prvnφ fßzi se zam∞°φme na platformu OS Windows, pozd∞ji snad i na jinΘ OS. Autor si neklade za cφl vytvo°it absolutnφ databßzi vÜech existujφcφch ovladaΦ∙ ale spφÜe zp°φstupnit zdroje informacφ. Bude zde mo₧nΘ najφt informace t²kajφcφ se jak klφΦov²ch, tak i mΘn∞ znßm²ch za°φzenφ, p°φpadn∞ i odkazy na zdroje odvladaΦ∙ ji₧ neexistujφcφch komponent.


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