You can place credit card orders by phone at 1-877-724-4600 (toll free; US only), or 1-860-429-4649.
WinZip Computing, Inc. cannot be reached at the phone numbers above. These numbers are for our credit card order handling service only. If you have questions about WinZip®, or need WinZip technical support, you can send e-mail to; our goal is to respond to all e-mail inquiries within one business day.
There is a $5.00 per order charge for shipping and handling. If you need a quote for higher quantities, please send a message to
Your order will be shipped by postal mail (airmail outside the US) and will leave our office within two business days after the order is received.
All orders are subject to the WinZip License Agreement. Customer information is considered confidential and will not be shared with or distributed to any third party. This order information applies only to the English language version of WinZip. Prices are in US dollars and are guaranteed through April, 2004.