The free WinZip® Internet Browser Support Add-On will automate much of the work normally associated with downloading compressed files from the Internet. When you click on a Zip file using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator/Communicator, WinZip will take over when the download is completed. WinZip automatically moves the downloaded file to your download folder (initially set to c:\download) and then, optionally opens the file.
WinZip's Internet Browser Support Add-On is not part of the WinZip distribution package; it is available as a free download from the web page
WinZip's Internet Browser feature supports Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator/Communicator, and depends on the implementation these browsers use for "helper" applications. WinZip 9.0 has been tested with the latest release and the latest publicly available beta versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator/Communicator, and Windows 98/NT/2000/Me/XP, as of February, 2003. It is possible that at some point in the future the browser vendors will release new versions of their browsers with different interfaces and conventions that are incompatible with WinZip 9.0's Internet Browser integration. If this happens, we plan to adjust WinZip to make it compatible. We cannot guarantee that this will be practical, however, and it is possible that WinZip's browser integration will not be available for future versions of these browsers.