You can do a few things from the menu that appears if you right mouse click on
SysMetrix. The one you'll be using the most is the SysMetrix Configuration
option that displays the configuration dialog. There are also other
commonly used shortcuts such as:
Display SysMetrix's About window (versioning information and various system information as well)
Get and display SysMetrix's change log and most recent version from the web
Display the SysMetrix Documentation
Access the time/date control panel applet
Synch the PC's clock
Empty the recycle bin (Including an indicator of
how many items are in it and how much space they take up)
Check Email
Logoff/Restart/Shutdown/Force Shutdown of windows
Exit the program
Keyboard Shortcuts
F1 will bring up the About window
F2 will bring up the Configuration window
F3 will bring up the Update SysMetrix window
F5 will cause the current theme to be reloaded
from the disk. This may be useful if you've been changing a theme around
and decide you want to revert back to the last saved state. Note that it reloads
everything in the theme, including all graphics and objects.
F6 will cause the graphics for the current theme to be reloaded.
This can be useful if you're creating a theme and are modifying the graphics on the fly. Hitting
F6 will cause SysMetrix to reload the graphics (background, histogram,
etc.) used in the theme so that it will reflect your changes to the images. This differs
from the F5 shortcut in that the objects will remain intact.
F10 will cause the currently selected object to be outlined in pink. Most objects, such as
histograms, bargraphs, etc. have a listbox in the configuration window that lists every object of that
type that is defined in the current theme. After selecting an object in the listbox, you can hold down
the F10 key to force the object to have a pink rectangle drawn around it. This is meant to be a quick
way to find an object on the main form and to get an idea of it's size.