FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions
Q: How do I get SysMetrix to stop asking me if I'm sure I want to do something?

A: Goto the Preferences section of the configuration dialog and uncheck the "Display Confirmations" option.

E-Mail Questions
Q: SysMetrix says that I don't have any unread email messages, but in my Outlook Express inbox there are some unread messages. Why's that?

A: That's because SysMetrix polls your mail server to see how many unread messages it has. Once you download your mail to your inbox, the messages are (usually) removed from the mail server. The unread messages count only applies to what's on the mail server, not what's in your email client's inbox.

Q: Can SysMetrix check my HotMail account? What about an IMAP account?

A: No, currently on the POP3 protocol is implemented so SysMetrix can only query POP3-based mail accounts.

Theme Questions
Q: How can I get more themes for SysMetrix?

A: First of all, you're encourged to make your own! It's not really that hard to make one. You can also download themes that others have made from skinning web sites such as WinCustomize and SkinBase and DeskMod and ArtUproar.