100 NAVComUI 101 Process Name 102 Filename 103 Threat name 104 Status 105 http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/cgi-bin/virauto.cgi?vid=%d 106 Repair failed 107 Quarantine failed 108 Delete failed 109 Repaired 110 Quarantined 111 Deleted 112 Infected 113 Transmission of this email is stopped because it contains this worm: 114 Quarantine this program (recommended) 115 Allow this program to email itself 116 Stop this program from emailing itself 117 Always allow this program to email itself 118 Sender 119 18 120 Arial 121 10 122 Norton AntiVirus 123 Malicious worm detected 124 The attempt to quarantine this file was unsuccessful. 125 Quarantine failed 126 Quarantine successful 127 Send to Symantec 128 Resume using your computer. 129 Norton AntiVirus successfully quarantined the worm. 130 It is now safe to resume using your computer. Send the quarantined item to Symantec at your earliest convenience so the virus can be analyzed. 131 Recipient 132 Automatically deleted 133 Manually deleted 134 Action 135 Virus 136 Excluded 137 Exclude failed 138 At risk 139 Subject 140 Help 141 found 142 Stop this program from emailing itself (recommended) 143 http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/expanded_threats/ 144 index.html 145 virus_worm_trojan_horse.html 146 security_risks.html 147 adware/index.html 148 dialers/index.html 149 hack_tools/index.html 150 joke_programs/index.html 151 remote_access/index.html 152 spyware/index.html