Norton AntiVirus has found 0 infected file(s). and 0 at-risk file(s).
Norton AntiVirus has found
0 infection(s) and 0 at-risk file(s) in this email message.
Norton AntiVirus fixed 0 and quarantined 0 infection(s).
Norton AntiVirus deleted
0 at-risk file(s).
We recommend that you let us fix all of the selected items automatically.
We recommend that you let us quarantine all of the selected items automatically.
We recommend that you let us delete all of the selected items automatically.
We recommend that you click on the threat name to determine the correct action for each remaining item. You may select items to exclude them from future scans.
There are no items selectedDelete will permanently remove the selected file(s) from your computer. Deleted Security Risks will be backed up in Quarantine if you need to recover the file. Do you want to continue?Delete will permanently remove the selected file(s) from your computer. Do you want to continue?Delete will permanently remove the selected file(s) from your email message. Do you want to continue?Delete will permanently remove the selected file(s) from your email message. Deleted Security Risks will be backed up in Quarantine if you need to recover the file. Do you want to continue?By clicking Exclude, you are excluding the selected threats from future scans. These threats may still be on your computer. If you don't want to exclude these threats permanently, click No to cancel then click Skip. To exclude these threats click Yes.