// aliases.txt
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is where the default aliases are defined.
// You should *NOT* add your own aliases here. User aliases can be placed in the
// localaliases.txt file which will not be overwritten when a new version of the
// toolbar is installed.
// The format is as follows:
// shortcut | search command | link/menu text | description text | category
// Shortcuts that reference a function name only, have the menu text extracted
// from the function definition directly.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!|gg %s /ifl|I'm Feeling Lucky!|Go directly to Google's top-ranked result.|Search the Web
##|sb %s /business|Switchboard Business|Search the Switchboard Yellow Pages.|People and Places
&|gg %s /cache|Google Cache|Given a URL, loads Google's cached copy of the web page.|Search the Web
,|gg %s /groups|Google Groups|Search Google's newsgroup archive.|Search the Web
>|gg %s /advanced|Google Advanced|Use the Google Advanced Search page.|Search the Web
??|gg %s /directory|Google Directory|Search Google's copy of the DMOZ open directory.|Search the Web
dhr|gg /ifl %s site:msdn.microsoft.com inurl:dhtml|DHTML reference at Microsoft|Lookup a DHTML item reference on the MS site|Computers|Programming
w3r|gg /ifl %s element site:www.w3.org inurl:REC-html40|DHTML reference at the World Wide Web Consortium|Lookup a DHTML item reference on the W3.org site|Computers|Programming