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Sv─¢t hardware a velikost p├¡sma (dnes 11:27)

a co takhle misto­ tedle prasarny to­ proste udelat ta­k aby fungovalo zve­tsovani v prohli­zecich namist

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INTEL oceňuje nejpokrokovější počítače a multimediální doplňky

INTEL oceňuje nejpokrokovější počítače a multimediální doplňky

(Jana Chromá, 18.9.2003, tisková zpráva)

Doporu─ìit ─ìl├ínek  Tisknout ─ìl├ínek

Společnost Intel oznámila výherce letošního ročníku Intel Innovative PC Awards. Již pátý rok uděluje společnost Intel ocenění výrobcům PC za jednoduše použitelné systémy, vynikající implementaci technologií a špičkový design.

Ocenění získalo dvanáct výherců ve čtyřech kategoriích: stolní počítače pro domácnosti, podniková PC, přenosné počítače a doplňky pro práci s digitálními médii. Posledně jmenovaná kategorie má letos premiéru – společnost Intel tak reaguje na trend přenášet hudbu, obraz a dokonce i video do počítače a pak zpět do hi-fi soustavy nebo televize. Všechny produkty zařazené do letošní soutěže byly prověřeny nezávislou společností Veritest, specializující se na testování.

„Výherci ročníku 2003 ilustrují skutečnost, že spotřebitelé mají z PC stále větší užitek – s počítači se snáze pracuje, jsou specializované pro dané použití a umožňují připojení dalších zařízení, jako je hi-fi nebo televize,” řekl Louis Burns, viceprezident a generální manager Desktop Platforms Group společnosti Intel. „Letošní výherci z oblasti stolních počítačů uspokojují potřeby těch nejnáročnějších uživatelů a nabízí jim kreativní nové systémy založené na procesoru Intel® Pentium® 4 s technologií Hyper-Threading, která umožňuje plynule a efektivněji pracovat s několika aplikacemi najednou.”

„Letošní výherci v oblasti přenosných počítačů využili možností mobilní technologie Intel® Centrino™ a nabízí systémy tenčí a lehčí konstrukce se špičkovým výkonem, bezdrátovou komunikací a funkcemi umožňujícími prodloužení provozu na baterie,” řekl Anand Chandrasekher, viceprezident a generální manager Mobile Platforms Group společnosti Intel. „Vzhledem ke stále rostoucí popularitě Wi-Fi budou přenosné počítače této konstrukce zajišťovat stále větší svobodu a flexibilitu pro podnikové uživatele i spotřebitele, toužící po větší volnosti a bezdrátovém připojení novými způsoby a na nových místech.”

Výherci 2003 Intel Innovative PC Award se stali (další text je pouze v angličtině):

Consumer Desktop Category Winner: Alienware* Area-51

The Alienware Area-51 is a state-of-the-art gaming machine, which appears to look like an alien head. This PC includes a Serial ATA drive, 6.1 channel audio and a six-in-one media card reader. It also includes four front USB ports for connecting multiple gaming peripherals such as joysticks, headsets and game-pads. It has a cable management solution for easily managing the jungle of wires at the back of the system. Accessible computer information is available on the desktop and includes a breakdown of available drive/bay space, drivers installed and benchmark scores.

Consumer Desktop Category Winner: HP* Media Center PC

The HP Media Center PC is an all-in-one system for creating and enjoying media in a home or dorm room. One can easily watch and record TV programs for in-home use, pause live TV and show instant replays. The user can create home videos, slideshows or personal music play lists. The HP Media Center PC includes a multi-format memory card reader, wireless keyboard, and key function buttons on the front of the computer that allow switching to TV, guide, music, pictures, and videos.

Business Desktop Category Winner: Dell* Optiplex* SX270

The Dell Optiplex SX270 offers an elegant, small form factor targeted for use with flat panel monitors in tight office spaces. The SX270 features a single, hot-swappable media bay for versatility. ΓÇ₧SecurityΓÇ¥ is a theme in this yearΓÇÖs business criteria and the SX270 delivers a range of features. DellΓÇÖs Chassis Intrusion Alert and Configuration Change Alert reliably notify IT managers when a system has been opened or disturbed. An integrated smart card reader option helps ensure user authentication.

Business Desktop Category Winner: HP Compaq* d530 Ultra-slim Desktop

The HP Compaq d530 Ultra-slim Desktop features a small footprint design that requires minimal desktop space and is versatile enough to easily be configured to a tower position using the available tower stand. It also has an under desk or on wall mounting bracket offering additional flexibility to customize for the usersΓÇÖ workspace needs. It is a legacy-free design with USB 2.0 to support ease-of-use. USB and Multibay solutions offer simple peripheral connection and hot-swapping of devices such as CD-RW, DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, diskette drives and future removable storage options allowing users to save time and money by sharing drives between their desktop and HP Business Notebook.

Business Desktop Category Winner: Lenovo* YangTian* S6000

The Lenovo YangTian S6000 is a small form factor PC designed specifically for small business users. Its integrated battery provides enough power to save the system state to the hard disk and power off the PC automatically in case of power disruption. The system ships with software that facilitates backups and system restore uses. A personal firewall comes pre-installed and a hidden hard drive partition allows the user to protect important information from accidental deletion or intrusion.

Full Size Notebook Category Winner: Compaq* Presario* X1000 Widescreen Notebook

The Compaq Presario X1000 Widescreen Notebook features a 15.4 inch wide screen display and outstanding graphics making it suitable for movie watching, gaming, side-by-side web page browsing and image editing. The integrated secure digital/multimedia memory card slot allows the quick transfer of digital photos, music, and other files to and from the PC and digital cameras, printers, handhelds and other devices. The stylish aluminum-covered system is 1.3 inches thin and weighs 6.5 pounds.

Thin and Light Notebook Category Winner: IBM* ThinkPad* T40

The IBM ThinkPad T40 weighs in at 4.5 pounds and is only 1 inch thin. It supports secure wireless LAN connectivity using the IBM Embedded Security Subsystem 2.0. It offers full functionality with thin swappable media modules, a TrackPoint* pointing device, and the ThinkLight* keyboard light. Its size allows the business professional to take it anywhere and the ThinkLight keyboard light makes it easy to see your keyboard even on late-night plane trips.

Mini Notebook Category Winner: Sony* VAIO* PCG-TR1A

The Sony VAIO PCG-TR1A sports an integrated CD-RW/DVD combo drive, XBRITE* 10.6-inch wide screen, and theater-style sound using Dolby* headphone technology. It also has an integrated swivel camera to capture images, video, or use for videoconferencing. Its sleek design is 3.11 pounds and 1.44 inches thin.

Sub-Notebook Category Winner: Panasonic* Toughbook* CF-W2

The Panasonic Toughbook CF-W2 provides high performance, technological innovation, and durability in a very small, portable design. This notebook includes an integrated DVD-ROM/CD-RW combination drive and a 12.1-inch XGA anti-glare thin-glass display technology color LCD. It weighs 2.8 pounds and comes in a full magnesium alloy case design with a shock-mounted hard disk drive. The Toughbook CF-W2 includes an integrated secure digital/multimedia memory card slot, which lets one easily upload digital images, music, and other files directly from cameras, handholds, and other compatible devices.

PC Slate/Tablet Category Winner: Gateway* Tablet PC Deluxe

The Gateway Tablet PC Deluxe replaces a writing tablet with built-in handwriting recognition software, Microsoft* Windows* XP Professional Tablet Edition, and also offers peripherals such as a keyboard stand and built-in keyboard cover. It weighs just 3 pounds and is less than one inch thin. It is targeted at professionals who need to use their PC while moving throughout their workplace such as teachers and healthcare workers.

PC Slate/Tablet Category Winner: Panasonic* Toughbook* CF-18

The Panasonic Toughbook CF-18 is a convertible notebook that features a 180-degree rotating screen. It supports pen use and was designed using MIL-STD-810F test procedures to measure levels of environmental reliability. Created by the U.S. government, the MIL-STD-810F specifications cover a broad range of tests that measure the durability of equipment used under harsh conditions. It has a full magnesium alloy case, a shock-mounted hard disk drive and weighs 4.4 pounds. The durability and flexibility of this product makes it ideal for workers on-the-road in less than ideal conditions such as military, hospital, or delivery personnel. The Panasonic Toughbook CF-18 can be carried up a ladder, hung on a wall as a tablet or mounted in a vehicle.

Digitial Media Adpater Category Winner: icube* Play@TV*

The icube Play@TV won in this yearΓÇÖs first digital media adapter category. The icube Play@TV digital media adapter enables the exchange of digital audio, photos and video between home PCs, TVs and stereos. It can receive digital media from a PC using 802.11b wireless networking, and can connect to TVs and stereos using standard audio/video cables, much like a DVD player. Play@TVΓÇÖs Universal Plug and Play solution enables content to flow seamlessly throughout the home. UPnP automatically discovers content and servers as they become available on the network.

About the Intel Innovative PC Recognition Awards

The Intel Innovative PC Awards were first given at IDF Fall 1999 and have grown to receive worldwide recognition. As part of the Intel Ease of Use Initiative, Intel works with the PC and CE industry to make mobile, business and consumer PCs easier for people to use and integrate with their other consumer electronics devices. The Innovative PC Awards highlight superior PC designs that measurably advance PC setup, usability, expansion and maintenance. For more information, visit

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