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You can search for duplicate files, zero-size files and invalid shortcuts, just to name a few. In addition to just searching files you can retrieve a lot of useful information from them, such as date the file was last accessed, files version, author and so on. When you have found the files you were looking for you can simply remove them or perform many other tasks to them as well, for example rename, encrypt, securely wipe, merge together, change attributes or move to another place.

Searching for files

Search word
The search word tells the filename parser what kind of files to look for. You can either use the normal "*.exe" type search word or just a part of the file's name you want to find. You can use multiple search words with the semicolon.
*.exe - Finds all .exe files
*.* -*.exe - Finds all files except all .exe files.
*.exe;*.dll - Finds all .exe and .dll files.
Click here for more info.

This section defines where to look for files. You can use multiple sources with the semicolon.
C:\Temp\ - Looks under C:\Temp\
C:\Temp;C:\Test - Looks under both C:\Temp and C:\Test

Uncheck the "Including the subdirectories" and you can manually define which directories' sub dirs you want to search. For example: C:\Temp;$C:\Test;C:\Windows finds files from C:\Test and all of its sub directories and from C:\Temp and C:\Windows but not for their sub dirs.

Search options
Find only files with a specific size... allows you to find files based to their sizes.
Find only duplicate files. This option finds only duplicate files, i.e. files of which you have many copies on your computer. Please notice that searching for duplicate files takes quite long time and you should not delete them just because they are duplicates, you must know whether they are safe to remove.
Find only broken shortcuts. Find only shortcuts (.lnk files) which are pointing to a file or directory which no longer exists. You can easily clear your desktop from non-working shortcuts by using this option.
Find only temp files. Finds temp files which are not used in a few days so they should be safe to remove, you should still always check the files for yourself.

Retrieve information
You can retrieve the following information from the found files.
Size - File's size.
Attributes - File's attributes (Archive, Hidden, System, Read-only).
File date... > Created - The date when the file was created.
File date... > Accessed - The date when the file was last accessed.
File date... > Modified - The date when the file was last modified.
Executable info... > Description - The executable's description (if available).
Executable info... > Description - The executable's version (if available).
Executable info... > Description - The executable's author (if available).
Executable info... > Description - The executable's binary type, i.e. is the executable for Win32 systems or for DOS or to other systems.
MP3 Info... > Title - MP3's title data from the ID3 tag.
MP3 Info... > Artist - MP3's artist data from the ID3 tag.
MP3 Info... > Album - MP3's album data from the ID3 tag.
MP3 Info... > Year - MP3's year data from the ID3 tag.
MP3 Info... > Genre - MP3's genre data from the ID3 tag.
MP3 Info... > Comment - MP3's comment data from the ID3 tag.
Image Info... > Dimensions - Image file's height and width.
Image Info... > Colour depth - Image file's colour depth.

More Functions...
There are many things you can do to the files you have found with the file tools. You can just remove them or you can do a lot of other things, the other procedures are found under the More Functions... button. The other procedures are:
Copy... - Copy the selected files to another directory and leave the original files intact.
Move... - Move the selected files to another directory and remove the original files.
Rename... - Rename files one by one.
Mass rename... - Rename many times at a time using the very advanced mass file renamer tool.
Find and replace... - Find and replace words within the files.
Wipe - Securely wipe the files so they cannot be restored. More info.
Move to the recycle bin - Moves the files to the recycle bin.
Merge - Combines the files together but leaves the original files intact.
Encrypt - Encrypt the files so they cannot be accessed without first decrypting them with the right password.
Decrypt - Decrypt encrypted files.

Please notice that the File Tool doesn't even try to estimate whether the found files are safe to remove or not because it's simply impossible. The file tool just does what you tell it to do, you have to know what you are doing.

Searching for files
Search options
Retrieve information
More Functions...
.:: Copyright 2001-2003 Jouni Vuorio