Performing web-updates
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Using Webupdate manually

To use the Webupdate module manually, open Ad-aware, click the Webupdate quick link (the globe image) at the top right of the Ad-aware interface, and then click Connect.

If a new referencefile has been installed, Ad-aware automatically loads it.

Note: If you would also like to make a backup of the current reference file, click the Configure
button, activate the Backup old reference file option, and then click the Connect button.

Webupdate screen options

·News - Click the "Read More" link to open the current news web page. Read the latest news about new targets, coming or newly released Add ons for Ad-aware and future plans for our software.  
·Configure - Opens the Webupdate Configuration screen.  
·Connect - Connects to the reference file update server.  
·Finish - Closes the Webupdate screen.  

Webupdate Configuration screen options

·Use HTTP Proxy - Activates the proxy feature.  
·Address - Enter your proxy server's IP address. For proxy server software like the PROXOMITRON this is usually Localhost or  
·Port - Enter the Port your proxy requires to connect to the Internet.  
·Backup old reference file - Creates a backup of the currently installed reference file prior to installing the new reference file.  
·Suppress information dialogs during updates - Stops the confirmation window from opening prior to updating to a new reference file.  
·Back - Returns to the main Webupdate screen.  
·Connect - Connects to the reference file update server.  
·Finish - Closes the Webupdate screen.  

Using Webupdate with a proxy server

To configure Webupdate
to use a proxy, open Ad-aware, click the Webupdate quick link (the globe image) at the top right of the Ad-aware interface, then:

·Click the Configure button,  
·Activate the Use HTTP Proxy option,  
·Enter your proxy server's IP address,  
·Enter the Port you connect to the Internet through,  
·Click the Connect button,  
When the window says Webupdate complete click the Finish button.

Webupdate "Tweak
" options

To view the Webupdate Tweak
options, open Ad-aware, click the Settings quick launch button at the top right to display the Settings main menu, and open
the WebUpdate section in the Tweak sub-menu.

·Automatically look for updated reference files upon start - Webupdate will automatically check for updated reference files when Ad-aware is opened. Please be sure to connect to the Internet BEFORE Ad-aware starts or activation of this tweak will generate errors, as it will be unable to connect to the server to check for updates.  
·Suppress Webupdate confirmation dialogs - Stops the confirmation window from opening prior to updating to a new reference file. Activate this option if you do not want to receive confirmation and/or status dialogs when updating Ad-aware.  
·Always back up reference file before updating - Creates a backup of the currently installed reference file prior to installing the new reference file. This is an important and useful option. Files can become damaged or corrupted and this will ensure that you have a working reference file if something happens. It will also allow you to retain a reference file should you encounter difficulties with a new update.  
·Create and export logfile - Creates a log file of Webupdate actions performed. Activate this Tweak if you need to retain a record of update operations