Tweak Settings
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Fine tuning Ad-aware 6 and Ad-watch..

To view the Tweak screen options, open Ad-aware, click the "Settings" quick launch button at the top right to display the "Settings" main menu, then
click the "Tweak"

Expert settings

[-] Scanning Engine

·Unload recognized processes during scanning - Automatically terminate (stop from running) detected processes while scanning.  
·Target objects on the Ad-watch filter list - Items in the Ad-watch (allowed) filters list will be placed back into scanning so that they can be deleted. .  
·Reanalyze result after scanning, before displaying final result list - Performs another scan of items detected before displaying the final result list.  
·Run scan as background process (Lower CPU usage) - The Ad-aware scanning thread runs on a low pirority, slows scanning.  
·Include info about ignored objects in logfile, if detected in scan - Any items in the "Ignore-list" will have information displayed about them in the scan log file.  
·Include basic Ad-aware settings in logfile - Places basic Ad-aware configuration information and file path details in the Ad-aware scan log file.  
·Include additional Ad-aware settings in logfile - Places "Tweak" configuration information in the Ad-aware scan log file.  
·Include used command line parameters in logfile - Places the command line parameters being used in the Ad-aware scan log file.  
·Include computer and user name in logfile - Inserts the name of the computer and the registered owner's name in the logfile.  

[-] Cleaning Engine

·Automatically mark all objects in result list - All detected items will be automatically marked after the scan is complete.  
·Automatically try to unregister objects prior to deletion - Ad-aware will try to unregister all detected objects prior to being removed.  
·XP\2000: Allow unloading explorer to unload shell extensions prior to deletion - Unloads (and forces a reload of) Explorer on XP\2000  
to allow removal of some objects that are currently used by windows to be deleted.Use with caution.  
·Let windows remove files in use at next reboot - Detected files currently in use by Windows, will be deleted at the next reboot.  
·Delete quarantined objects after restoring - Automatically remove an archive from the "Quarantine Objects" listing after it is restored.  
·Suppress warning if objects cannot be removed - If an item cannot be removed; no warning, or notice message will be given.  
·Suppress progessbar during list operations - Stops the progessbar from appearing while quarantining/removing items.  
[-] Ad-watch

·Deactivate Ad-watch during Ad-aware scans - Deactivates Ad-watch when Ad-aware is scanning.  
·Completely reanalyze processes on change - When Ad-watch detects a change in running processes, Ad-watch will reanalyze all processes.  
·Block ActiveX installations - Blocks the installation of ActiveX components.  
·Block IE save operations - Blocks web installations. (Blocks forced downloads)  
·Block popups and banned sites - does exactly that.  
·Automatically pop up event log if event occurs - The Ad-watch window will pop up if an event is detected.  
·Automatically save event log on close - Creates an Ad-watch log automatically when Ad-watch is closed.  
·Log Ad-aware events - Ad-watch will log Ad-aware events in the Ad-watch "Log" window.  
·Don't clear session event log on resetting statistics - Retains Ad-watch log events when resetting statistics on the "Status Screen" page.  
[-] User Interface

·Show splash screen - Displays the Ad-aware splash screen..  
·Remember window positions - Ad-aware and Ad-watch will open in the same position on the monitor screen when opened.  
·Snap windows to desktop border - Forces Ad-aware/Ad-watch to remain visible on the monitor screen when the Ad-aware/Ad-watch window is moved to the edge of your monitor's screen.  
[-] Webupdate Settings

·Automatically look for updated reference files upon start - Webupdate will automatically check for updated reference files when Ad-aware is opened.  
·Suppress Webupdate confirmation dialogs - Stops the confirmation window from opening prior to updating to a new reference file.  
·Always back up reference file before updating - Creates a backup of the currently installed reference file prior to installing the new reference file.  
·Create and save Webupdate logfile - Creates a log file of Webupdate actions performed.  

[-] Misc Settings

·Dump details about unhandled exceptions to disk - When an unforeseen exception occurs, it will be written into a special logfile within the Ad-aware folder. The file is named 'aawdebuglog.txt'.  
·Play sound if scan produced a result - Plays a sound if items are detected during the Ad-aware scan. You can deactivate this option if you do not like or need the alert sound. To alter your sound preference do the following:  
1.Open the file "prefs.txt" in notepad  
2.Scroll down to the [Paths] section and locate the line that starts with "Wavefile=".  
3.Alter the path to point to your desired wave file and then save the file from the "file" menu at the top of the Notepad window.  
By default the path is:  
Wavefile=C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-aware 6\alert.wav  
To change this, replace the path with the FULL path to your preferred wave file. For example you can use a standard Windows media file:  
Wavefile= C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA\CHORD.wav  
Now Ad-aware will play the Windows CHORD wave when targeted content is detected