Plug-ins and extensions
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Offering powerful expandability

All versions of Ad-aware®
6.0, from the Standard (free) version to our newest and most advanced version, Professional, can be enhanced with the addition of Extensions and Plugins designed for that platform.

Extensions: allow you to examine objects from within the results list following a scan and can be accessed through the right click menu.  
Plugins: Are stand-alone ad-ons for Ad-aware. They are actually complete programs in and of themselves and can be activated from within the Ad-aware user interface.  
Open the "Plugins" menu to see a list of all currently installed plug-ins and extensions.
Extensions are listed, but not accessable in the list, since they are linked to objects in the scan-result list.
Plug ins appear high-lighted, and can be executed by either double-clicking on the item, or selecting it and clicking the "Execute
" button.

FileSpecs extension detailview...

Installing plugins+extensions

Plugins+extensions are distributed with a smart-setup, which features an auto-search option to automatically locate the correct destination folder.
However, to manually install them, copy the plugin\extension file (dll) into the Ad-aware\Plugins folder.
Ad-aware needs to be restarted after the installation in order to use the plugin or extension.

You can read about future, and download recent Plug-ins and extensions from a growing list on our website.