Command Line Parameters
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Using command line parameters in Ad-aware 6

Ad-aware 6 supports several command line parameters, which must be entered in the following format:

Ad-aware.exe [Path to scan] [Options]  

The first parameter must be the full path and executable name of the Ad-aware core application, the second specifies the directory or drive which is to be scanned.
If you run a batch-file from within the Ad-aware 6 Folder, you only need to specify the executable name ("Ad-aware.exe")

An example batch file could look like this:
C:\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Ad-Aware.exe "C:\Program files\Unzip" +L:"N:\" +a +0  
C:\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Ad-Aware.exe "C:\Winnt\System32" +L:"N:\" +a +1   
C:\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Ad-Aware.EXE "C:\My documents" +L:"C:Logs\" +a +1 +R:"C:\testreflist.ref" +S +P:"D:\safeprefs.ini"  
C:\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Ad-Aware.exe "E:\Download" +L:"N:\" +a +1      

The parameters have the following function:

+A: perform all automatically (scan, remove and clean)

+S: Silent mode, minimize Ad-aware during the operation

+0: don't use in-depth scan
+1: use in-depth scan

if neither +0 nor +1 is used, the last user setting will be used.

NOTE: to send parameters to an already running instance, add the +SD parameter.

The following parameters are supported by the Professional edition:

+L:"pathname" - path where the logfiles are directed to. if none specified, the path is read from the pref.ini file

+R:"refname" - path+filename to the reffile used for this scan.if none specified, the path is read from the pref.ini file

+P:"prefname" - path+filename to the preference-file (default name "prefs.ini" used for this scan.if none specified, pref.ini within the Ad-aware folder is used.
C:\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Ad-Aware.EXE "C:\My documents" +L:"C:Logs\" +a +1 +R:"C:\testreflist.ref" +S +P:"D:\safeprefs.ini"  

This example will load Ad-aware from
C:\Lavasoft\Ad-aware\Ad-Aware.EXE, scans C:\My documents in silent, full automated-mode, using indepth scan, using the following reference file : C:\testreflist.ref , loading a particular preferencefile from D:\safeprefs.ini.

Through the support of individual preference-files for each scan, you can theoretically use all Ad-aware preferences in the command line.

Its recommended, to use a preference-file where auto-backup creation is set, when the +a (automatic clean) parameter is used.
If you don't use a preference-file from a remote directory\drive, simply set this option in the Ad-aware preferences\General Options.