Ad-aware plus
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Keeping the barbarians at the gate!

Ad-aware® Plus Edition
Step up to the next level in privacy protection! PLUS includes all the functionality and power of the Standard Edition, but has been enhanced to provide the user with expandability, customization and real-time monitoring and blocking for their system. Not only can you remove privacy threats from your computing environment, you can also BLOCK them from invading your system in the first place! For individual or stand-alone systems, PLUS is the solution you need to protect yourself from the worst that the Internet advertising world has to offer.

Ad-watch is a real time monitor add-on included in the Ad-aware Plus and Professional editions. It runs silently in the background, waiting for suspicious content trying to install on or modify your system. While Ad-aware detects and cleans your system from known datamining and advertising parasites, Ad-watch goes even further by catching these programs before they even integrate into your system. If suspicious content is detected, Ad-watch pops up, unloads the particular module and/or blocks the process then launches Ad-aware.

Ad-watch event log

Real time protection
Ad-aware® Plus Edition is designed to provide continuous protection from known Datamining, aggressive advertising, Parasites, Scumware, Keyloggers, selected traditional Trojans, Dialers, Malware, Browser hijackers, and tracking components. With this solution you get the following features:

·Fully customizable automated scanning modes  
·Enhanced logging capabilities  
·Powerful tweaking options  
·Exporting of HTML reports  
·Powerful command line options  
·Blocks Browser hijacker attempts, Active-X installations, IE save attempts, and unauthorized auto start entries  
·Includes a Popup stopper with customizable black-list  
·Smart process-blocking, including filter lists  
·Enhanced menus providing many more options  
·Plus many other enhancements!