Creating booklets

Booklets are created from a set of jobs by scaling and rearranging the pages such that a booklet is created when the sheets are printed and folded.  FinePrint supports "2 up" booklets where each side of a sheet contains two pages.

Creating booklets
In the Layout mini-tab, select the Booklet option.  The preview will show all the booklet pages in sequence including any blank pages resulting from empty slots on booklet sheets.  There is no need to check the double-sided option since booklets are automatically printed double-sided.

Booklet options
When booklets have a large number of pages, it becomes difficult to fold the pages.  In this case, sub-booklets are required to break the booklet up into smaller, easily foldable sections.  The number of sheets in each sub-booklet can be set in the Settings tab.

Printing on different paper sizes
By default, FinePrint scales booklet pages according to the paper size of the destination printer.  This is most often the same size as the incoming pages.  FienPrint also supports the case where larger sheets are required so that booklet pages are full-sized. 

For example, if 8.5 x 11 inch pages are to be printed on a 11x17 inch sheet, do the following:

  1. Print the documents to FinePrint as normal
  2. Click the Options button on the Preview tab
  3. Click "Custom settings"
  4. Set the printer paper size to 11 x 17

FinePrint will reformat the document to fit on the new sheet size.  The sheet size will be indicated in the FinePrint status bar at the bottom of the window.