Q:How to enable the dupe checker of RaidenFTPD?

A:The RaidenFTPD has built in dupe checker (a dupe means a file that already existed in your file system or ftp site), RaidenFTPD can disallow user to upload a file that your ftp server already , that will save you a lot of bandwidth wastes , please note that this is only a filename based checking , sometimes 2 files with different contents may still have the same filename , ex: readme.txt , setup.exe , so you surely will need to use it carefully.

To enable dupe checker : first goto the server editor , check the bottom dupe check combo box , the default value is disabled , if you wish to use it you can change it to enabled - online files only , or enabled - online files + offline db , and don't forget to save your *.ftpd file before you leave this editor.

note : if you choose to use offline db also , you will need to browse for the offline db file *.lst which can be created by DupeMaker.exe included in this package

After you enabled the dupe checker you will need to setup under which virtual path will you like the dupe checker to be enabled , simply goto virtual file system editor and click on the virtual paths and check the checkbox of enable dupe checker under this virtual path , once again , don't forget to click the Update button and save your *.vfs file before you leave this editor.

Finally please restart your RaidenFTPD and the system will first build a dupe file list for the paths you have dupe checker enabled , and then it will load offline database *.lst , when the user enters the virtual paths you have dupe checker enabled , he will be unable to upload any file that already exists in your dupe file database .

note : searching through the hard drives or cd-rom drives when building dupe list could take 10-60 seconds if you have more than 10000 files exist in the virtual paths you selected , please be patient , and when the database is created the dupe checking operation will be very fast.

disclaimer : we RaidenFTPD team does not know where does the name 'dupe checker' come from , however many users had requested us to implement it so here is it .

Note:This feature is designed for advanced users only , if you don't know what is dupe checking at all you probably don't need it , skipping of reading this section will not affect the functionality of RaidenFTPD


REVISION 2.4 , 2002/10/16