Our implementations support and maintenance is grounded and consists in keeping a close and permanent contact with a respective client. The guaranteed scope of our service in each individual project shall be specified by a respective contract. We have elaborated a sample package of service contracts specifying the scope of our assistance in the course of realization of a project as well as the terms and conditions of our operative response in cases of need or emergency.

Product Support


Technical Specifications


Product Support

To enhance the user comfort and provide you with a complete service we can operate your applications on our servers as well as on servers in telehouses or on your own hardware. The support is provided remotely in most cases, and for this purpose we are permanently in a close cooperation with telecommunication companies specialized in office operation support.


One of the basic principles,which we follow developing our applications, is to produce solutions user-friendly to the maximum possible degree. This speeds up the deployment of an application and cuts down demands and expenses connected with the staff professional training.

Technical Specifications

For detailed information on the Iterity Server Platform inner structure, go to the technical specifications page.

"Managing Flexibility"

Do not let yourself get frustrated over the complexity and flexibility of the system. We have developed tools to help the user to control and really utilize the application. You will recognize advantages of the flexibility when setting up the system or changing your internal structure and processes. After the structure and processes settle down, anyone in your organisation will work with the application without any stress and frustration.


At the downloads page you can get new upgrades of our products as well as some free software for your better comfort or fun.



28/ 2/ 2003 - On-line demo version of our brand new application Iterity Collaboration Suite right available. Ask us to access the application now!

12/ 2/ 2003 - We have launched new version of our application Iterity Collaboration Suite 2.5!

Older announcements





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