Video Preview
Video preview mode displays the video out of your camera in a window.
This is the fastest preview mode because nothing has to be
downloaded from the camera. Video preview mode provides fairly detailed
images allowing you to focus and frame quickly.
Setting up video preview
- Connect your camera's video out to your capture device's video in using
the cable provided with your camera.
- Start camera controller.
- If you have multiple capture devices on your computer, select
"Tools/Options" and click the "Video" tab. Select
the device you connected your camera to in Step 1 from the list of devices
in the "Video Device:" box. Click OK to apply and return to the
main window.
- Click the main window toolbar button labeled "Video" to display
the video display window.
- Click the video display window's "Video/Source" menu item to
display the video source dialog for your capture device.
- Select the appropriate video source setting and click OK to return to the
video dialog window.
Tips for using video preview
- When the video display window is displayed, click the focus slider on the
main window to use the slider's keyboard shortcuts. Use the left and
right arrows to adjust focus in one step increments. Use the Page Up
and Page Down buttons to adjust in 20 step increments.
- Make sure the camera to video capture device connections are as clean and
as short as possible for the best video picture.
- The camera LCD will be disabled when in video preview mode.
- If the video should freeze while in video preview mode, click the main
window toolbar button labeled "LCD" twice to reset the video feed.
- At some long exposure settings, the camera video out will not be bright
enough to be useful. It will be necessary to use the snapshot preview
mode to review your snapshots.
Note: Video preview mode requires a third party Video for Windows compatible
video capture device like the Hauppauge WinTV card.