Timelapse Overview

Time lapse photography is a technique that involves taking a picture of a scene from a stationary viewpoint at regular intervals and then playing the accumulated pictures back quickly like a video.  You've seen them; a five-second video of a flower blooming, the sun from sunrise to sunset in a 30 second video.  Camera Controller's time lapse feature allows you to set up your camera and take snapshots at intervals ranging from 1 second to 1 day or more.  Depending upon your settings, a large number of snapshots can be taken.

Starting timelapse mode

  1. Click the main window Timelapse button to display the timelapse window.  Optionally, you can use the main window Tools/Timelapse menu item.
  2. Enter the timelapse interval (time between captures) in the "Capture interval (secs):" box
  3. Disable the "Upload for WebCam?" checkbox.
  4. Click the start button to start timelapse.  The timelapse window will be hidden.  The timelapse interval will be displayed in the main window "Timelapse interval status panel" and "timelapse mode" will be displayed in the main window "mode status panel".

Stopping timelapse mode

  1. To stop timelapse, click the main window Timelapse button to display the timelapse window.
  2. Click the "Cancel" button on the timelapse window.
