Save Tab

Once the graphic is finally completed, the work can be saved.

Simply click on the save button, choose the format (BMP, GIF, JPEG, or TIFF) , choose a name and click save. The banner can then be used as you would any other graphic or image.

Graphic Options

The options for Bitmaps include the ability to create a bitmap in 8 or 16 bit pixel format.

The options for JPEGs include 8 or 24 bit pixel format, the ability to include progressive encoding, and compression quality. Progressive Encoding allows the graphic to begin showing before it is fully loaded in the web browser. Compression quality allows you to modify the graphic for image quality and size. The better the image quality, the larger the file size.

The options for GIFs are Transparent, Transparent Color, and Add To Animation List. If the Transparent Box is checked, the graphic will show the background instead of the color specified by the background color. The Add To Animation List, will add the GIF to the List of GIFs on the animation tab. Use this option if you are going to be adding several similar GIFs to the Animation List to make an animated gif.

If you would like to create another graphic, you can click on the New Button on the Home tab to clear out the graphic, or you can drag individual text and graphics to the trash can and redo the graphic without selecting New. Similar looking banners and buttons can be created this way.

Which graphic type should I use?

If you are using an image without much text, jpegs are probably best. If you are using animation or transparent areas, gifs are your only option. Gifs are usually your best bet, but the images are limited to 256 colors which can cause image problems, such as grainy images, color drop outs, and poor quality.

Other Options

Preview In Web Browser

To preview your image in a web browser, save your image first, and then click on Preview in Web Browser. The image will then be shown in the default web browser for your system and display file statistics for length, width, and file size in kb.

Send via E-Mail

Once your image is saved, you can send it by email. Clicking this button brings up your default email client with the save image already attached.

FTP to WebSite

Once the image is saved, you can also send it to your website by FTP. To set up your FTP sites, go to Options on the Home tab.


The Power Preview allows you to view hundreds of variations of the image that you have designed. You can change the background to different colors, images, or gradients. The font type and color of the text can also be changed.

Link Image to WebSite/WebPage

To create the HTML code to display your banner or web graphic, click on Link Image to WebSite/WebPage after you have saved your image. After entering the website and directory information, the HTML code for your image will then be created.

Create Mouse-Over JavaScript

To create mouse-over effects, such as changing the color of the image when the mouse pointer rolls over the image on the screen, click on Create Mouse-Over JavaScript after you have saved your image, and have another image to use as a mouse over. A common mouse over effect is to use two buttons. One button as the regular color, and then another color when the mouse rolls over the image, and then, another image when the image is clicked. On the Create Mouse-Over JavaScript, enter in the image files, the images along with their location on the web server, and then enter the link for when the image is clicked.

Create Banner Ad Rotator

If you want your banners on your website to randomly change every time the web page is loaded, or to change after a time interval, click on the Create Banner Ad Rotator. The Banner Ad Rotator will create JavaScript code that you can place in the HTML on your web page that will rotate your banner ads. This feature will also allow you to have banners that point to different urls within the animation. For example, if you want one image to point to and another image to point to, but both be as part of the same image - use the banner rotator. An animated gif cannot point to two different urls, but the banner rotator can.