The Power Preview feature allows you to view up to 500 different combinations of an image using different backgrounds, fonts, and colors.
Three different types of backgrounds can be selected. You can choose from different background colors, background images, and background gradients. The background can also be left as the current background, with no changes.
If different background colors are chosen, the background colors will be randomly selected.
If different background images are selected, the background images listed on the backgrounds tab will randomly be chosen as the background.
If different background gradients are selected, the background gradients will have different color combinations. In addition, you can set the type of gradients (left to right, top to bottom, square) to be random as well.
The font color and font type can also be changed. For example, you can change the the type of font for all of the text on the image to see how the different type faces compare. In addition, you can also change the color of the text as well.
After selecting how you would like to change the backgrounds and the text, choose OK. You will then be presented with the list of different images in 5 image sets. You can then scroll through the list by choosing Next and Previous. If you find a design that you would prefer click on 'Change Current Image' your image will now have the same text and background as the image you have selected.
Tip: Each time you enter and run the Power Preview the backgrounds and text created are randomized. You can see more than 500 variations by re-running the Power Preview as many times as necessary.