The options dialog box allows you to modify several different start up settings of the program. To modify these options, press the Options button on the Home tab.
The following Options are modifiable:
Default Graphic File Format
To change the default graphic file type - select the new format by checking the button next to the desired format.
Default Banner Width and Height:
The initial settings are 468 for Width and 60 for Height, but these can be changed to another size.
The Initial Default Font Size:
The initial default font size is 12.
Show Font Style on Font List
In the listing of all fonts, the fonts are displayed within their style. On certain fonts such as WingDings, there is no font name because the font actually has no letters. To turn off the Font Style, uncheck this box.
Default Directories
There are three directories used by the program.
The Default Save Directory is the directory where the finished banners are saved.
The Default Image Directory is where Banner Maker Pro looks for images to import.
The Default Background Directory is where the Banner Maker Pro looks for backgrounds to import. All graphic images in this directory are added to the list of backgrounds on the Backgrounds tab.
The Default Textures Directory is the direct where the textures for the Text are stored. All images in this directory are added to the Textures list on the Text+ tab.
The Background area, the area around the preview, can be changed from the blue background with white letters to be any other background or color. To change the background from an image to a solid color, select Use Color instead of Use Image.
To change the preview image, click on the preview image button and then select any available image.
To change the preview color, click on the preview image color and select any available color.
GIF Cruncher
To help make the size of the images smaller, a gif cruncher that makes GIFs smaller can be used. The gif cruncher is online at the Banner Maker Pro website at If a gif is saved that is over the size limit specified by the number listed in the option, a message will give you the option of going to the on-line gif cruncher. By clicking Yes, the web browser will start and the gif cruncher will appear.
To use the gif cruncher, click on Browse, and select the file name of the gif (not bif or bap) that you want crunched and select crunch from disk. After a few moments, several different versions of the image will appear. The images will have different number of colors, dithers, and file sizes. Select the image that has the best combination of size and image quality. Right click to save the file back to your PC.
The website options allow you to enter the website information used in creating mouse over effects and the HTML code to add the images and links.
The default website address is where you want the images to link when you click on the image.
The default image directory is the directory where the images are stored on the web server. Many website operators leave them in the root - so this would be blank.
FTP Information
You can copy your images up to your website from Banner Maker Pro by using FTP. Click Add/Modify/Delete FTP sites to go to the FTP settings.
To Add an FTP site:
add the host name, user name, password, port and default directory (if needed).
The FTP site can be modified or deleted at any time.
Once an image has been saved, the image can then be FTPed to the website by selecting the FTP to Website button.