One Step Animation

One Step Animation allows you to create eye-catching animations with just one click.

To create an animation, simply preview the animations, and select the animation you like. Save it.

You can also preview the animation in the web browser. Each animation has been tuned with the various options to make a presentable banner. You can decide to change the various options to create different effects.

The Play button will re-play the animation after it has completed.

The options include:

Animation Speed - This is the speed of frame in the animation in 1/100 of a second.

Step - This is the number of frames that are skipped. Some animation effects can create many frames that would cause the animation to be very large. Step skips frames in between the frames that are saved.

Number of Times to Loop - This is the number of times to show the animation. 0 - means loop continously, 1 - means show the animation only once.

Last Frame Delay - When looping more than once, you can set the last frame shown to last longer than the remaining frame. This allows the animation to linger for a longer period of time, before redoing the animation. This allows someone viewing the animation to see it statically, before the animation starts up again. This number has no effect when the Number of Times to Loop is set to 1.

Number of Frames Used - This is the total number of frames used to make the animation. Depending on the animation, you will want to keep this number under 20. The more frames used, the bigger the file will be. The fewer frames - the smaller the image. You want to keep your image as small as possible, while keeping the effect without jerkiness.

Reverse Animation - Check this to reverse the animation so that the animation plays the opposite way. For example, the Roll will go from left to right instead of right to left.