Creating frame by frame animations is easy. It's basically a series of images that overlay each other much like a cartoon. To animate a banner, follow these steps:
Step 1.Get a list of images and add them to the animation list.
Step 2.Set the animation frame speed for EACH frame.
Step 3.Set the frame refresh option for each frame.
Step 4.Choose the number of times to loop.
Step 5.Save the animated image.
Step 6.View the animated image to confirm that the speed and frame refresh display the animation properly.
Step 7.Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the animation is working to your satisfaction.
The list of GIFs to create the animated GIFs are the individual frames used in the making of the animation. To add items to the animation list, click on the "Add Image" button or if you are making the animated GIF using Banner Maker Pro, just click on the Add to Animation List check box when saving the GIF. The GIF will automatically be added to the list.
To re-order the items in the animation list, just click the Move Image Up and Move Image Down on the image that you want to move. The GIF can be moved up or down in the list.
The number of times to loop is the number of times the animation repeats itself. The default is 0, which is that the animation repeats forever. This feature can set an animation to repeat for only 4 or 5 times before stopping.
The GIF Options allow you to select the transparency of the entire animation. It's exactly the same as setting a transparent color for a standard GIF.
The Animation Frame Speed allows you to set how long each frame stays on the screen. The default is 1.5 seconds. For example, you can set the last frame to show for a longer period of time, before it repeats back to the first frame.
The Frame Refresh Option allows you to set how each individual frame gets refreshed. The three options are:
1. Leave the image in place. - Use this to show the previous image before refreshing with the new frame. (This is the default.)
2. Restore to background. Use this when an image has transparent areas, and you do not want the previous image to "bleed through" the new frame.
3. Restore to previous image. - Use this option for animation that jumps back and forth between images.
Once you have finished making the animation, save it by clicking on the Save Animated Image button. Once the animation has been saved, it can be viewed using the View Animated GIF button.
To open a previously saved animation, choose Open on the animation tab. A list of previously saved .BIF will be shown.
For examples of animated images and tutorials, visit our website at:
Note: Animated GIFs cannot be added to the list of images used to create a new animation.