Title: Dragon Style Type: Visual Style (for Windows XP) Author: John "dragonkahn" Le Contact: dragonkahnz@hotmail.com Website: http://www.dkworx.com (still in proress at this time) DeviantART page: http://dragonkahn.deviantart.com Date: July 28, 2002 DESCRIPTION ----------- This theme is my first time skinning anything. Even making the cursors was a first for me. =) I put a whole lot of time into this, so I hope you enjoy it. HOW TO INSTALL -------------- 1. First, you must have Style XP installed and running. Download it at TGT Soft's website at http://www.tgtsoft.com 2. Extract this zip file to C:\Windows\Resources\Theme\ (NOTE: don't extract it to a new folder) 3. Go to Control Panel > Display. Under the Themes tab, there should be a pull-down menu labeled 'Theme.' Click on the menu and select 'dragonstyle.' 4. Apply and there ya go! ^_^ BUGS ---- The Explorer Bar (the left-sided bar with the lists of common tasks) is unskinned. Although I have made the skin for it. Style XP doesn't seem to allow me to export it along with the rest of the theme. If you know how to fix this, please contact me. (email: dragonkahnz@hotmail.com) ---------------- ©2002 dragonkahn