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Registry Tool - An improved version of RegCleaner, which contains all the registry features from RegCleaner. You can uninstall software, remove leftover registry entries from software you thought you had removed ages ago. The Registry Tool is your interface to the Registry and you really don't have extensive knowledge of the registry to use the Registry Tool.

  • Installed Software. This feature shows you the list of software currently registered to the registry. It's very common that you find programs here that you thought you had removed ages ago.

  • Starting Programs. This features shows you the list of all programs that are automatically started from the registry when your computer starts.

  • Uninstall Menu. By default this feature shows you exactly the same as Windows'own Uninstall menu shows (Control Panel > Add/Remove programs). But in addition to Add/Remove programs' features you can also remove obsolete items from this list. Please notice that the "remove" button just removes the software from this list and the button "uninstall" really uninstalls it.

  • Registered File Types. This feature shows you all the registered file types, like that .txt files are text files and so on. It's very common that programs you remove from your computer leaves their file type registrations.

  • New File shell ext. This feature shows you the list of files types you can create from right click > New -menu.

  • Shell Extensions. This feature shows you the list of current shell extension. Shell extension means that program can register some file types for itself and define some operations with it. For example you can view a text file (.txt) with Notepad by double clicking such file and you can print the file by right clicking it.

  • Open With... Menu. This feature shows you the list of programs Windows can show in the list it shows when you try to run a file of unknown file type. (This feature is only for NT-based operating systems)

  • Search with Menu. This feature shows you the list of items in Start Button > Search. You can remove all the items you don't need. (This feature is only for NT-based operating systems)


The Tools menu

  • Registry Cleaner. This feature automatically scans the entire registry and detects entries that are invalid or obsolete.

  • Console. Shows the Console.

  • Reset Hardware Configuration. This is a very dangerous feature if you don't know what you are doing. This feature is meant for those who are about to reinstall windows because of hardware related problems. After you use this feature you will have to reinstall all the device drivers and please notice that it's very likely that your CD-ROM drive doesn't work when Windows prompts you for drivers after you have restarted your computer. (This feature is only for Win9x-based operating systems).

Special features
  • The Age system. If the age system is enabled (Preferences > Age system > "Enabled") you will see an age column in each list. The age system can be used in manual or in automatic mode. By default it's in manual mode. In manual mode you can mark specific items as old using the "Mark as old" button. In automatic mode all items are automatically marked as old after you have seen them. This feature is quite handy when you check out all the lists to see whether there are any new items.

  • The comment systems. If the comment system is enabled (Preferences > Comment system > "Enabled") you can write comments to each items to help you to remember what some items are.

  • The Special Select (Select > Special Select). This feature allows you easily find items e.g. items that should be safe to remove.

  • Uninstall Menu settings (Preferences > Uninstall menu). This feature allows you to choose whether you want to see hidden entries in the Uninstall menu or not. By default you can see only normal entries, just the same as Windows' own Add/Remove programs shows you.

The Tools menu
Special features
.:: Copyright 2001-2003 Jouni Vuorio