Win32/Anxiety (.1358,.1823)

NebezpeΦn² rezidentnφ virus (jako VxD ovladaΦ). Infikuje NewExe PE soubory (Windows 95). Kdy₧ je infikovan² soubor spuÜt∞n, virus zjistφ mφsto v kernelu (v VMM ovladaΦi), a sßm sebe tam zkopφruje. Pak p°esm∞ruje IFS API. Kdy₧ jsou NewEXE soubory otev°eny, virus je infikuje. B∞hem infekce virus sßm sebe p°ipojφ na konec souboru a modifikuje hlaviΦku, tak aby p°evzal virus kontrolu nad souborem jako prvnφ (pokud je spuÜt∞n). Ve viru je umφst∞na °ada text∙:

Varianta Win95/Anxiety.1358:
Anxiety.Poppy.95 by VicodinES
Varianta Win95/Anxiety.1823
Anxiety.Poppy.II by VicodinES
 ...feel the pain, mine not yours!

 all alone and I don't understand
 a cry for help and no one answers
 will I last for more than a week
 will I taste the gunpowder
 can I end it all and make it easy
 is it sick to ask | is it safe to cry
 will I be gone soon
 will I last
 will you care
 will I?
 if you don't hear from me in a while -
 say a prayer for me because I have left, never to return.
 peaceful goodnight, hopefully...