LIST OF NEW FEATURES, IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG-FIXES ================================================== version 3.0 (18.2.2003) ------------------------- - Added: Explore in 3D - Added: Print in certain scale (e.g. 1:50) - Added: More steps in Undo-Redo History - Improved: Edit Walls dialog reminds you of unsaved changes - Added: Local coordinates (you define their origin) - Added: Holding Shift during Measurement measures line with rotation in 45 degrees multiples - Added: Rotation helper in Object Properties, holding Shift sets rotation in 45 degrees multiples - Fixed: Object position during the object duplication - Fixed: Printing of large images in grayscale version 2.20 (20.1.2003) ------------------------- - Added: Library - dozens of common objects - from plant to Spitfire - Added: Catalogue is now called "User library" - Added: Text label (as a new object), select its font and more - Added: New basic objects - Circle and Hexagon - Improved: Drawing of the objects in zooms higher then 100% - Added: Options, change default colors for objects - Added: Measurement - Improved: Adjust the space around the room in detail - Added: Line style as an object property - Added: Rotate left and/or right in the object context menu - Fixed: Doors are not drawn using dashed line style - Added: Rename object in User library in context menu - Improved: F1 raises context help - Improved: Optimized buttons on toolbar - Added: Command New will show Room size window automatically - Fixed: Export to image file works (bug in 2.10) - Improved: Export in any zoom and disable adding the text (in Options) - Fixed: minor bugfixes - Added: Windows XP support version 2.10 (25.11.2002) ------------------------- - Added: New type of object - Triangle (right-angled) - Added: Print support - Added: Undo (one step) - Added: Quick info about the object under the mouse cursor (tooltips) - Improved: Export always in 100% zoom - Added: Best fit view (see the entire image in the window) - Added: Open files always in best fit view - Improved: Smart zoom factors - Added: Export object listing to clipboard - Fixed: Default catalogue is localized when creating (for new users) version 2.00 (21.10.2002) ------------------------- - Added: Toolbar with XP style buttons - Added: Show collisions - Added: Duplicate objects in context menu - Added: Editing of walls; wall thickness; wall color - Added: New type of object - Window (remains in the wall) - Added: Doors can be snapped to the wall - Added: Export to clipboard - Added: Open file dialog starts in the last used folder - Added: Double-click on the object brings its properties - Improved: Preview windows have gradient-filled background - Added: Connected file extension *.mst with Room Arranger. You can open the file by double-click in Explorer, etc. - Added: Drag&drop files into the application from Explorer, etc. - Added: You can change the unit name - one pixel can be one now cm, inch, meter, km or anything you want - Added: Show/Hide Grid using a toolbar button - Added: Show/Hide Captions on all objects - Added: Adjust the space around the room - Added: Option to automatically change the size of the main window when opening a file or zooming - Fixed: Parts Listing context menu is localized (missed in 1.11) version 1.11 (29.8.2002) ------------------------ - Added: The program completely rewritten into English to support multiple languages. Name of the program is now "Room Arranger" - Fixed: Adding of a new object in a zoom factor other then 100% - Added: Mouse-wheel support version 1.10 (7.4.2002) ----------------------- - Added: New types of objects - Ellipse and Door - Improved: Changed Object properties window: added preview, transparent lines, object fill and the caption can be hidden as well. You can hide the Catalogue part of the window. - Improved: New way how to select the colors - Fixed: Removing the object in the Object Listing will redraw the room - Added: Editing object properties in the Object Listing window - Added: Whatsnew.txt file :-) version 1.00 (23.3.2002) ------------------------ - the first release